So my old PC decided to die a little too soon, can't figure out if it's the motherboard(R5E) or the CPU(i7-5820k) that's not working anymore and decided to no try and repair/replace what's broken and instead upgrade to a newer generation. I will keep everything I had except for the CPU and mottherboard. It had a 1080ti, 1000w Corsairs PSU, 16 GBs of RAM and some SSDs+HDDs.
What I need is an advice on the CPU-MoBo. Should I go with the intel x299 and 7th gen i7-7820x or i9-7900x or should I go with z370 and the i7-8700k.
I usually use the computer for gaming on a 1440p@160Hz monitor. I also stream sometime and do some video editing for YouTube(Sony Vegas/After Effects) and also use it for programming.
Budget: £1000.
I will post below a list of parts that I considered buying and their pricing where I am, maybe it helps.
i7-8700x £327
i7-7820x £420
i9-7900x £679
Asus TUF X299 MK1 £225
Asus Strix X299-XE £274
Asus Strix Z370 £153
Any other advice will be very much appreciated. Thank you.
What I need is an advice on the CPU-MoBo. Should I go with the intel x299 and 7th gen i7-7820x or i9-7900x or should I go with z370 and the i7-8700k.
I usually use the computer for gaming on a 1440p@160Hz monitor. I also stream sometime and do some video editing for YouTube(Sony Vegas/After Effects) and also use it for programming.
Budget: £1000.
I will post below a list of parts that I considered buying and their pricing where I am, maybe it helps.
i7-8700x £327
i7-7820x £420
i9-7900x £679
Asus TUF X299 MK1 £225
Asus Strix X299-XE £274
Asus Strix Z370 £153
Any other advice will be very much appreciated. Thank you.