Help with CPU choice (x299 vs Coffee Lake)

Nick Pop

Mar 15, 2015
So my old PC decided to die a little too soon, can't figure out if it's the motherboard(R5E) or the CPU(i7-5820k) that's not working anymore and decided to no try and repair/replace what's broken and instead upgrade to a newer generation. I will keep everything I had except for the CPU and mottherboard. It had a 1080ti, 1000w Corsairs PSU, 16 GBs of RAM and some SSDs+HDDs.

What I need is an advice on the CPU-MoBo. Should I go with the intel x299 and 7th gen i7-7820x or i9-7900x or should I go with z370 and the i7-8700k.

I usually use the computer for gaming on a 1440p@160Hz monitor. I also stream sometime and do some video editing for YouTube(Sony Vegas/After Effects) and also use it for programming.

Budget: £1000.

I will post below a list of parts that I considered buying and their pricing where I am, maybe it helps.

i7-8700x £327
i7-7820x £420
i9-7900x £679

Asus TUF X299 MK1 £225
Asus Strix X299-XE £274
Asus Strix Z370 £153

Any other advice will be very much appreciated. Thank you.
The 7900x will preform a lot better for what your trying to do, but the thermals of the x299 platform are high, you would need a good cooler in order to handle those, the 8700k is decent on thermals and its still 6 cores, i have a rig setup for programming and i use an 8700k, its works pretty well, so if you want to save money and cant do cooling well than go with 8700k, if you have money and are willing to splurge for a good cooler than go with the 7900x
The 7900x will preform a lot better for what your trying to do, but the thermals of the x299 platform are high, you would need a good cooler in order to handle those, the 8700k is decent on thermals and its still 6 cores, i have a rig setup for programming and i use an 8700k, its works pretty well, so if you want to save money and cant do cooling well than go with 8700k, if you have money and are willing to splurge for a good cooler than go with the 7900x
I just upgraded from a i7 6800k (5820k refresh) to the new i7 8700k and for streaming it's a dream. You can basically stream without loosing any fps in game! The difference between the two CPUs is negligible but actually noticeable.