Help with future proofing!! Gaming pc


why 2600k? not the newer 3570k or 3770K? the price is similar

and for corsair h60. i bet you already knew that it was noisy.... i owned it once, and just for 1 week i swapped my h60 with 212 evo for better performance and less noise

i bet you wouldnt want 4x4 ddr3 ram... it should be 2x8 configuration for better power and cheaper price, and leaves room for upgrade in the future

otherwise, you part selection is very good, that PSU and LCD cant be wrong. it is good choice

for GFX, i would recommend Gigabyte GTX 670 4GB version. you can SLI in the future if games become much more demanding

just my 0.02 someone can correct me for a better setup