Help with Fx-9590


Jan 23, 2018
I have an msi fxa990 motherboard with the fx-9590 cpu in it. I dont think My arctic aio liquid cooler is enough to keep it cool. After playin gta5 for 10 mins the pc hard locks up. My question is. Should i upgrade to a bigger aio cooler. Or get a diffrent cpu?
Expensive but get another cpu, your chip gets beaten up by a cheap i3 or ryzen 3, that comes with a free stock cooler.

Dont invest that much into a nuclear chip with custom AIO cooling or wind turbines.

I havent tress tested it. But ive had this setup for over a year an have played, h1z1, rust, ark, and other steam games with no problems. These issues started when i started playing gta5.

That's great and all, but it didn't answer my question fully. For example, I have a Corsair Obsidian 550D with 2x 120mm on the front, a 140mm intake on the bottom, 2x 120mm top exhaust, and a 140mm rear exhaust. THAT is what I was getting at with my question. How is your case in terms of cabling? Is it clean and unrestricted? Do you notice a difference if you take off your side panel in terms of lockup? Is the pump on your AIO cooler working?

It could be a combination of several things in terms of cooling and your AIO may not be adequate to rid the CPU of waste heat. That thing is plenty hot. My 8350 is hot as well (though not that hot) and I'm running OC on air with a dual 120mm HSF.

Im not im done with this thread i found my solution.