help with gaming pc!!


Aug 15, 2014
Hi guys i was wondering if u could help me with the gaming pc im trying to build. this is what i think looked promising so far. help me plz .....
CPU : Intel Core i5-4690
RAM : G.Skill Trident X 8GB
MotherBoard : Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 5
HDD : WD Caviar Black 2 TB
looks good, get a non "Z" motherboard though, its for overclocking "K" series CPU's (which you dont have). spend more on a better graphics card, go ATI if you have to (an r9 280 isnt far off the price of the 750ti with sales ). Also dont cheap on the power supply unit, try to get something from Antec, Seasonic, XFX, or some Corsairs (avoid CX and VS like the plague, also avoid Raidmax and enermax's and thermaltakes etc )

not a "mistake" its just you can do better. the r7 265 or a r9 270 would be better stronger choices, so long as the power supply is strong enough. the 750ti is good...but mostly its high praises are in its efficiency. Its strong for the amount of power it uses, the ATI options are still stronger, but at more power draw.
hi guys thank you for your input i haven't posted all my build because frankly i dunno much about hardware and how they sync with each other but i think ill change that CPU to Intel Core i7-4820K unless u think i should make another build completely if you do please tell me >.<

oh and mainly i am gonna use this PC for gaming but i also do other things like programming,web design,etc though i don't think that will effect the build much as they don't use up much graphic >.>

stick with the i5 and sink all the rest of your money into the best possible GPU. for gaming just pretend like CPU doesnt matter, each step up in GPU will give you better gaming fram rates.

The things you will be doing wont stress the CPU to the point of justifying the i7. Only rendering 3D models and animation will really benefit from the i7.