Help with getting rid of a virus.


Sep 18, 2001
Ok, I have the trend pc-cillin virus scanner, and it keeps reporting different files with the w97m_marker and it unable to delete, quarantine, clean, or anything else. I deleted all the infected files and read the info on the virus and deleted the files related to it, however it keeps on appearing in different files. I believe the virus sends your computer information to some hackers, anyone know how to get rid of it for good?
Format your drive. No, really, formatting your drive is the safest way about it.

Please visit <b><A HREF="" target="_new"></A></b>
Well that stinks; does the virus actually do any damage, especially since I deleted the files it makes use of, or will it just mark files?
Apparently it deletes certain submenus in document program's like "print preview" , "open", "exit", etc. under the file menu in Micro. Word and other programs like that. Check these out:
<A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A>
<A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A>
Apparently there's quite a few varities of the little ah heck. I don't know about PC-cillian, but some virus scanners won't delete a file if it ends with a certain extension or atleast it asks you several times if your sure you want to delete a file with that extension for risk of doing damage.

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by WiseGuy1 on 10/01/01 10:33 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
I think pccillian is made by trend. Also, the version I have has no extensions, it is just the name and the description of it was something about collecting information about your computer and uploading it to an anonymous group of hackers.
It may be this beast, <A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A> Which makes since because it's a combination of W97M_LOCALE and W97M_MARKER from what they say, it uploads info, and it disables virus protection according to Trend. Which might explain why you can't deleate it. I guess to make a long story short you'll probably have to do what arrow suggested.
i have been in that boat before, viruses suck, but the real way to get rid of the ones that just keep reappearing is to reformat...and, maybe there is a file that the virus is hiding in, which you open and the file reinfects when you do this..
i once had pc-cih i believe it is called, and that thing was uncleanable....and the only way i was able to rid myself of it was to reformat..
and man...did that suck, since i had so many files that i hadnt backed up on cd..
but oh well, i guess i learn my lessons eh?


-Vacuums suck...really...-