Hello everyone.
I recently purchased a new game for my pc. 3/4ths of the way through the storyline my computer began to suffer a series of increasingly frequent crashes. The crashes have remained consistent in their symptoms. Roughly ten minutes into playing the game will crash, resulting in a black screen and odd noises coming from the speakers. To figure out the problem I tried troubleshooting everything I could. The cpu is clean and fine temperature wise. All fans are working normally. All drivers are up to date. Even programs such as photoshop and the internet work fine. Only graphically intense video games crash my computer. (lowering in game settings does not stop the crashes)
I began to test my GPU and found that stress testing it resulted in a crash. Bad news for me.
Stressing it, which would push the temp past 110 degrees seems to result in a crash, which would occur every time I'd try to play a game. This is a problem I've never had before and don't really know how to proceed. I'm currently using a GeForce GTX 480.
I'm not super knowledgeable with these issues and could use some help figuring out where to go from here.
Thank you very much.
I recently purchased a new game for my pc. 3/4ths of the way through the storyline my computer began to suffer a series of increasingly frequent crashes. The crashes have remained consistent in their symptoms. Roughly ten minutes into playing the game will crash, resulting in a black screen and odd noises coming from the speakers. To figure out the problem I tried troubleshooting everything I could. The cpu is clean and fine temperature wise. All fans are working normally. All drivers are up to date. Even programs such as photoshop and the internet work fine. Only graphically intense video games crash my computer. (lowering in game settings does not stop the crashes)
I began to test my GPU and found that stress testing it resulted in a crash. Bad news for me.
Stressing it, which would push the temp past 110 degrees seems to result in a crash, which would occur every time I'd try to play a game. This is a problem I've never had before and don't really know how to proceed. I'm currently using a GeForce GTX 480.
I'm not super knowledgeable with these issues and could use some help figuring out where to go from here.
Thank you very much.