help with graphics card upgrade


Mar 17, 2014
I have recently bought a new desktop, an ASUS m11bb series. I am looking to upgrade the graphics card in order to better my fps for games such as BF4,Titanfall, Skyrim and other MOBAs. I am currently looking at an Radeon HD 7790 graphics card and am wondering if it is compatible or if there is something better that anyone has in mind.
Thanks for the help!!!
The real question is, is your PSU powerful enough to use the card you want your CPU has nothing to do with it. Looks to come with 350w peak that may be cutting it close if they used a cheap unit once you throw in the whole system. I would throw in a 500w PSU just to be safe.
Well since your PC has an APU we dont know if the PSU has extra cables to support dedicated GPU so your only option would be to get the reference gtx 750 or 750ti since they are extremely power efficient and they only need the power provided by PCI slot. ( I say reference card because even if there is 6 pin connector on PSU your psu is only 350 watts.)

They'll both run on this power supply just fine, although it is for the one that I linked.

thanks so much. i recently moved from laptops to desktops and am looking to pretty much build my own PC. thanks once again
Could you tag my last answer as "Best Answer"? It would help me out a lot!

Glad I helped your decision! This will run your games with no problem!
Just remember to download the latest drivers for the card after it is installed, don't want to bluescreen because of a driver failure.