hi i am trying to get autodesk maya cuz i have some training but it is a little bit to expensive for me so i was looking for a computer that already has autodesk maya on the hdd and i found one with a 320gb hard drive that has autodesk maya 2013 and windows 7 ultimate but the laptop dosent have the hardware i want so i want to move the laptop hard drive to a computer and use the maya that is on it and was wondering if there was a way to do that. here is a couple ideas i have on how to do it and want to know which ones will work and how.
1. clone the laptop hdd to the desktop hdd
2. move maya from the laptop hdd to the desktop hdd
3. use the laptop hdd as a boot drive in the desktop
1. clone the laptop hdd to the desktop hdd
2. move maya from the laptop hdd to the desktop hdd
3. use the laptop hdd as a boot drive in the desktop