Help with massive FPS issue


Sep 5, 2016
Hi guys, I have looked through countless forums and discussions and still found no answer to my question. When playing GTA (normally high+) and bf1 (ultra/high) the frames are fine for the first 20 ish mins and then they absolutely tank, massive frame drops anywhere down to 5 (normally 70-100) and its almost unplayable. I have no idea what it is or how to fix it so any help would be appreciated. Having experimented with bf1, even turning it down to low when the stuttering started and it was no better if not worse, here are the performance graphs for when I was running it on low for a bit;
My specs are 4690k at 4.4Ghz 8gb hyper x fury 1070 ftw
Max temps on CPU are around 75-80 degrees.
Yeah if you go into Task Manager, under the Performance tab there's a link to open Resource Monitor. From that you can check usage history and more detailed stats.
Your CPU is bottlenecking the GPU I can see that much. It's at 100% but the GPU doesn't really go above 80%. You might also be experiencing CPU throttling.

Are you using stock cooler? When was the last time you applied thermal paste?

Can you run HWInfo to see fan speeds, min/max temps etc?
Using a 212 EVO with max temps of around 80 degrees, last applied paste end of 2015 when i built it, HW info shows all is ok, nothing out of the ordinary and max temps of 80 as i said.
Sustained temps over 80c are dangerous for the CPU. Like I say, you could be getting throttled as it overheats. The CPU is running at its maximum to keep up with the GPU, but the fps drops could be down to being throttled, or just because it cant keep up. You'd need to OC the CPU but for that yopu 100% need a better cooler or to re-apply the TiM.
GPU was fine i seem to remember, not playing right now but will double check the CPU speeds when i get back on later, GPU was only running around 60 degrees so i doubt that is throttling
Ok guys. having played some bf1 and watched absolutely everything I noticed that the disk usage was massively spiking to 100% and this is what was causing my issue, I have no idea why and if any of you know how I could fix this apart from getting an SSD that would be great. The issue was fairly intermittent playing the first map and then about 5 mins into the second map for some reason disk usage was up to 100% for rather long periods of time and that just made it unplayable, so that was the issue, any fixes would be appreciated!
Ok, so got some weird things happening in task manager, so looking at the 'performance' tab, the 100% usage correlates perfectly with frame drops but in resource monitor and in the processes tab, it doesn't correlate and I didn't see it going to 100%. Any idea why this is happening? Is one read and one write or...?