Hello! I have recently bought a brand new 120 gb Samsung Evo. Upon setting everything up the migrating tool won't let me...well migrate. I have made sure there is enough room on the SSD (I backed everything up to an external HDD, and factory reset my computer because I was having some major issues. So now I'm mainly just moving the OS (Windows 8) to the SSD, My C: has just about 30 gb of data on it (probably just the OS and few other files) so there is no problem with the storage part of it. The exact error if your wondering is "Cloning Failed. An error occurred while defragmenting the disk. 301400[049958]" I don't really know what to do in this situation as I do not have my boot CD, but I do have my product key, so kind of wondering what I can do so I can get my OS on my SSD! Thanks