Help with motherboards

around 100-200 USD .................. either .................. gaming (as stated)
If going with a K model (4690K or 4790K) would look at the Asus Z97-A, Z97-Pro or Hero in your price range (the Hero if you can (that's what I went with, based on the Z87 Hero, I have both (in sig))

Hmm, the price gap between these is kinda big, what does the motherboard affect the most beside the number of slots for stuff and max RAM? noobie question i know but it's my first time
That's why I asked about the CPU type, which he didn't answer. How can we suggest a board if we don't know what you plan to stick in it. Not all LGA 1150 boards are created equal and not all of them support the same cpus. Plus, I have no idea if you already have a cpu you plan to reuse or if you're planning to purchase a new one.

Both the Hero and the Gigabyte GA-Z97X-GAMING 7 are good boards as are the Sabertooth lineups. All have good power phases and are solid choices.

I haven't bought anything yet but I'm planning on getting the i5-4690k but that may change if I find a better one

Yeah I think I might go with the Asus Z97-A
so, which cpu you gonna use?
if you use non-k cpu, I think msi h97 gaming 3 is good
otherwize, msi z97 gaming 5 is a good chioce
I get one and work great with my new game! (hero of storm!!!!)