HELP with new PC

Jini Lera

Dec 15, 2013
Hello, I just received the parts of my new pc

-An i7-4770k
-Asrock z87 extreme4
-G.Skill 8GB DDR3 RAM
- And a Seasonic x-750(fully modular PSU)

This is the first time I put together a pc with a fully modular PSU (3rd time in total, previous 2 were with non-modular ones), so maybe there is something I do wrong!

Anyway, I plugged in all the necessary cables on the PSU
(2 seperate cables for the motherboard,
an 8-pin cable for the CPU[I 've also plugged the stock cooler 4-pin on the m/b],
a 6-pin cable for the graphics card,
and an a (SATA 3) cable for my (SATA 2) HDD & dvd reader/burner)

Now, when I try to power on the system, it might take 1-3 restarts until I reach the boot screen.
Once there,
-if I choose to boot from my HDD(with windows 7 already in it) it shows the windows logo and then the whole system either " "freezes" or restarts on itself
-if I choose to boot from my DVD drive(in order to install windows 7 from scratch), it shows that it's loading some files, and after a while a system restart again!

So, my mqin question is,
Is there anything I do wrong?(maybe I 've forgotten to connect any cables, or I plugged them on the wrong holes!)
Is anything wrong with the PSU?(if this is the case, shouldn't it not power on at first place?
Is there anything else that I haven't thought about it?

Please, any help will be greatly appreciated! :)
(and I' m sorry for my English)

Hey buddy lemme review real quickly ok
you bought all the parts and did not actually put the processor in yourself did you? if so, did you use the gel? and are the bolts properly torqued. Also, I am no rocket scientist, but make sure all of your ram is A compatible with your MOBO and B that is s centered EXACTLY right on its slot. Ram is tough to get into its place and if not properly seated. yYour stuff wont work... Help?

You do have windows on it?

Get back to me?
I did put the CPU and the RAMs properly and they are fully compatilbe, according to the M/B site and I do have windows 7 on my HDD.

When I actually made it to UEFI, both CPU and RAMs were identified from the mobo just as the should (right speed, etc).

That is why it doesnt make any sense to me.
1. If I had put any of the parts the wrong way, then the mobo wouldnt identify them
2. If there was any problem with the PSU (DOA) then it wouldnt boot at all, right?

So, what could be wrong?!!