Help with overclocking Intel Core 2 Duo E6750


Aug 13, 2015
Hello everyone
I searched for "E6750 overclocking" but I couldn't find any answers in the few topics that already existed so that's why I made a new one.

I'm in need of a little assitance / advice on overclocking my old Intel dual core E6750.
I'm trying to overclock it from it's default speed 2.66Ghz to as high as I can (3.7Ghz is my main goal) with the stock cooler. I already succeeded in overclocking it to 3.40Ghz by using the x8 mutilplier and setting the FSB to run at 425Mhz with a core voltage of 1.45V while ram is running at 850Mhz.

However when i try to increase the FSB speed & Vcore a little more my system either goes into boot cycles or resets it's BIOS again to the stock speed of 2.66Ghz. Does anyone know why this happens?
I have features like "CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)", "CPU Thermal Monitor (TM2)" & "CPU EIST Function" set to [disabled] as you can see in the picture below. (picture of Advanced BIOS features)

I'm trying to follow this OC'ing guide and follow it as much as possible and do all the things the exact same way.,1720-10.html

However running the CPU at 3.00Ghz with the stock voltage of 1.35V like they do doesn't seem to work for me.

I'm also using 2GB of DDR2 memory rated at 800Mhz with CAS 5 and 1.8V.
Only difference is that they are using memory from a different brand (theirs is Geil, mine Apacer), they are working with their ram set to 1.95V while mine runs at 1.8V and they are using 2x 1GB sticks while i'm using a 1x2GB stick.

Motherboard is exact the same as in their guide: Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3

Their OS is windows vista enterprise while mine is Windows 10 Home 32-bit.

My PC specs:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7650
GPU: XFX Geforce 8500 GT
RAM: Apacer SODIMM 4GB (2x2GB) DDR2 PC6400/800 CL5.0 1.8V (one 2GBstick removed)
Mobo: Gigabyte P35C-DS3R
HDD 1: Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 250GB 7200RPM (Boot drive containing OS)
HDD 2: Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 80GB ATA133
PSU: Aopen Z400-08FC 400W
OS: Windows 10 Home 32-bit

Settings of my highest OC so far of 3.40Ghz: (CPU-Z picture) (M.I.T. settings) (M.I.T. Voltage settings)

Would buying 1333Mhz DDR3 memory like these let me overclock higher up to 3.7Ghz? ==>
Thanks for anyonce who can help me out with this :)

You are being limited by your RAM.

Definitely buying higher speed RAm will increase your OC potential.

But be careful to buy RAM which is supported by your Motherboard.

What I gathered from googling your motherboard will support maximum 4GB of DDR3 ram.

So you can buy wither 2x 2GB or 1x 4GB ram.
Thanks for the replies. I bought this ram stick: Kingston HyperX Savage 4GB (1x4GB) DDR3 1600Mhz CL9.
I also bought a Cooler Master TX3 EVO cpu cooler along with it. I even reached 3.70Ghz now without even installing the new ram! Prime95 has been running for 2 hours now without a crash. I'm going to let it run overnight to fully stress test it :)
A new problem has now surfaced: When I put my new ram stick (Kingston HyperX Savage 4GB (1x4GB) DDR3 1600Mhz CL9) in one of the correct DDR3 slots my system will not boot. The fans go spinning but the POST screen doesn't come up 🙁

My motherboard supports both DDR2 memory & DDR3 memory. It has 4 DDR2 slots and 2 DDR3 slots and it's impossible to put a DDR3 module in a DDR2 slot. So i didn't put it in the wrong slot. The highest memory frequency of DDR3 memory that my board supports is 1333Mhz but the man from the store said that it will default to 1333Mhz and later it will work at 1600Mhz when I overclock the CPU.
I rechecked mobo support max 2x4Gb DDR3 but probably mobo have compatibility issue with rams clocks you try reset bios?

I know this is a rather late post, however for anyone wondering if 8GB of DDR3 on the older motherboards, then I would also like to confirm that it does work without an issue on my motherboard (Gigabyte GA-EP35C-DS3R). I ordered 2 x 4GB Kingston DDR3 1600. Also in Windows 7 while playing Battlefield 3 it makes a massive difference! The page file is hardly being used now which has had an overall impact to improving the game and the framerate.

In my motherboard manual ( GA-P35C-DS3R) it says the following under DDR3 memory support:
- 2 x 1.5V DDR3 DIMM sockets supporting up to 4GB of system memory
- Dual channel memory architecture
- Support for DDR3 1333/1066/800 Mhz memory modules

So i should get a 2x 1.5V DDR3 1333Mhz kit to achieve the highest possible OC with my dual core E6750?
Or will a 1600Mhz kit be better since it can be underclocked to 1333Mhz or will that not work?

This is the memory stick I have at the moment which is not working:
I tested that one stick in my main gaming pc with a i7 4930k & Asus Rampage IV black edition and it worked. So the memory is not faulty.
First off you have newest bios on mobo ?
Second: after cheeking what rams are support from user reports all rams must by designed from MAX 256MB modules your rams are 512MBx8 * you have single side rams, you need look for double side 256MBx16 :)
Try replace this ram to a different in shop.

It doesn't say anything about single / double side RAM on the shops website.
Will this work? ==>

It's 2x 1.5V DDR3-1333Mhz (2x2GB)

I will try checking my BIOS version now and if it's outdated I will update it :)

I'm from Belgium and i need to use the Alternate shop (http://) because that's where I bought the Kingston Savage RAM from which I need to exhange for another RAM kit. I would like to have 4GB DDR3 ram and not only 2GB because I would like to sell the system afterwards and nobody will buy system with only 2GB of RAM.

Also I have a new problem now 🙁
I set the voltage to 2.0V when trying to overclock my dual core E6750 to 3.80Ghz (with the 4GB DDR2 memory). And now my system won't boot. I tried removing the CMOS battery and shorting the CLR_CMOS jumper with a screwdriver but that didn't have any affect. Any ideas? :sad:


Removing the battery for 5 minutes and shorting the positive and negative poles of the battery holder with a screwdriver did the trick. System boots again :)

Now i'm going to insert a 4GB stick of my main pc (Corsair dominator platinum 16GB DDR3 1866Mhz 4x4GB) RAM and see if it works in the old pc. Fingers crossed! 😀

Update: Inserting the 4GB Corsair dominator platinum DDR3 1866Mhz stick did not work. System would turn on and then right off again.
I wanted to update the BIOS so I went to gigabyte'w website and downloaded the latest BIOS version and put it on an USB stick (formatted it first) but when i press "End" at the POST screen and eneter the flash utility it does not detect my usb drive?! It only says Floppy A & Floppy B while I don't even have a floppy drive in the pc...

Here's a pic:

When I select Floppy A and press enter i get a "disk error" and when i press enter on Floppy B i get a whole list of random characters and symbolis like this: "!ç=!"é(ç)ùµù}{;:,:" .... HELP lol
This is old mainboards 😉
Ask any friend maybe they have somewhere floppy drive + floppy disk 😉
I personally have lying few in storage room, and somhwere I probably even find working floppy disk * eh... this old days when games are on few floppy disk 😉

*This was long Joke 😉

Other method to update bios:

** Before update double check mobo model and revions they can have different bios !
update: Updating the BIOS worked. But the kingston DDR3 ram stick still won't work. I'm returning to the shop tomorrow to have it exchanged with

either this: Double sided Corsair 4 GB DDR3-1600 Kit (2x2GB) 1.5V

or this: Single sided Corsair ValueSelect 4 GB DDR3-1333 Kit (2x2GB) 1.5V

I think the 1600Mhz kit would be best because it's double sided (someone said single sided ram kits won't work on my board) and because 1600Mhz will allow me to OC my cpu (intel E6750 dual core) higher than with a 1333Mhz kit. Or is this wrong?