Hmm I think 2133 is decent, however windows 7 was extremely fast for me with LOW specs (4gb RAM, i5 6400 and in build graphics card), later on I upgraded my PC to windows 10 with GTX 1060 3GB SC, 8 GB Samsung RAM (2x 4GB) with same processor and the PC was extremely slow and laggy as crap, it always shows DISK 100% or any problems which cause the PC to lag like hell. I thought it could be because I didnt install windows with clean format, then after 2 months I re installed windows clean and still kinda feel the PC slow although its fresh as new, 100% disk usage most of the time as well. Any help please? Could it still be the RAM or Disk? I have 500 GB HDD but Ive been using the same HDD with Windows 7 and I never faced any problem as this. (even with only 4gb ram with inbuild GPU). Bench mark:
UserBenchmarks: Game 61%, Desk 46%, Work 33%
CPU: Intel Core i5-6400 - 67.4%
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060-3GB - 68.6%
HDD: Toshiba DT01ACA050 500GB - 74.8%
RAM: Samsung M378A5244CB0-CRC 2x4GB - 62.4% ( Performing below potential (19th percentile) - Ensure that the top XMP BIOS profile is enabled)
MBD: HP 280 G2 MT (Non-Legacy)
Also, thank you for replying