Help with screws.


Jun 16, 2016
So today I decided to take apart my 6 year old pre-built PC. After some time realised that HDD and GPU screws were tight so much that I couldn't move them at all. Multiple persons tried but nothing. Any suggestions?



You just need better screwdrivers and technique.

+1 and tap the screw lightly a dozen or so times after you get the penetrating oil on the screw. The vibrations draw the penetrating oil where it's needed. I've also done this with contact cleaner in a pinch, never with WD40 although its seems that would work too.

And also make sure the screwdriver your are using exactly fits the screw so you don't tear up the screw head.


I would not tap the HDD, but the point about the right screwdriver bit is vital else it'll just twist the bit out of the head.

The heads are auto=parked. But your point about not thumping a disk drive is a good one. GRIN. I use the side of the screwdriver, tap tap tap.

Metal on metal will create incredible g shocks.