Help with selling a Corsair H100i V2 on eBay UK?


Nov 9, 2013
Hey people!
I want to sell my Corsair AIO cooler: H100i V2 on eBay. I have used it for several months and have all the main parts. However I am missing a couple of the mounting hardware for the AMD bracket. I have the AMD bracket but not the standoffs or screws. Would people mind if I sell them just the radiator and fans etc? I have the ones for the Intel socket since I am an Intel user but not an AMD user. I should have kept them but I don't know where they are now. There is a chance I can find them again but I was wondering if people would still be interested in buying the radiator without the mounting bracket. Would it be worth posting in advance that I don't have the mounting hardware? I'd sell it for cheaper around half price unless I find them again. How much should I sell it for? I live in the UK so I would need to sell it in the British pounds currency. Cheers!

P.S. I took down my listing because I was worried that I had forgotten the hardware mounting brackets etc.

I took down the cooler and will not sell it until/if I find the proper mounting hardware.

Missing parts, I wouldn't pay more than $25 for it.
If it had ALL the parts, I wouldn't pay more than $50 for it.

And to sell, you need to inform the prospective buyers that it is missing some critical parts.
Thanks for the advice. I just wanted to know how much people would buy it for? I took it down after all and will keep the cooler until I can find all the parts. I may see if I can find some cheap mounting kit for it that has all the proper parts. Wish I had kept them but oh well. It may be worth it for a future build.