[SOLVED] Help with Win & USB drivers on "generalized" HDD pleeeaase.

Jan 15, 2019
Hi All.
I have "Generalized" a windows 7 HDD for transplant into my new system.
(Ryzen 7200 Gigabyte gaming 5 WiFi)
The HDD goes into WIN 7 setup and of course I have no USB.

Since I am not using an image, ISO or fresh disk install, how and where can I insert USB drivers
into the existing HDD.

I tried putting the HDD into the old computer and running the USB creator but it came back with no compatible hardware and stopped.
I have also tried all the XCHI ECHI and USB legacy suggestions in the BIOS with no luck.
Emailing Gigabyte was useless too.

Any Help would be great as I am dead in the water at the mo and I reeeaaallly don't want windows 10 :pfff:

Enable "Remote Desktop" feature on your "generic" image. Make it auto-login without asking for user/password. Then, connect remotely, and install whatever you need. If the LAN drivers have to be installed as well,, get $10 RTL8139 adapter, and plug it into the board while you do that.
Surely i can inject usb drivers somewhere into the hard disk that win7 will load as it loads the setup?

I would rather not fresh install coz i have a fully setup HDD. It takes weeks to get back up and remembering passwords and setting up mail accounts etc etc.

I had win10 and rolled it back to 7. Don't like 10. One of my choices for this board was that it supporyed win7.

Enable "Remote Desktop" feature on your "generic" image. Make it auto-login without asking for user/password. Then, connect remotely, and install whatever you need. If the LAN drivers have to be installed as well,, get $10 RTL8139 adapter, and plug it into the board while you do that.