Help with Windows 10 please


Aug 18, 2015
Hello, today i was formatting my pc, and when it was "Configuring the Settings" i restarted my pc by mistake, now its saying for me to restart the installation, now i need to get a new Windows 10 Pro 64 bit

I went to the official microsoft website to found out the download in there, but can anyone tell me which version is the Windows 10 Pro edition, its saying in that website that there is The creators edition, inside that tab theres windows 10, windows N, windows single language, the same 3 options for the Anniversary edition, which one of those is the Windows 10 Pro edition?

Thanks in advance.
Inside the Creators Edition, when you go to install, it will give you the option to install Home or Pro.
Choose whichever one you have the license for, or whichever one you had originally.

you mean, when im about to format the PC, it will give me that option , or inside the website?

sorry english its not my native language

During the install on the drive, it will give you the option.

thank you so much, and for the quick replys too