
Jan 15, 2013
Need help, I had two Seagate Momentus XT 500GB hard drives in Raid 0 in an Aurora R4, and I just bought a new 256GB OCT Vertex 4 SSD to run my OS off of. So last night I did a clean install of Windows 7x64 and loaded all my drivers and software, it was running great when I was done. (Disabled Raid in BIOS, ect.) But I was going to use my other hard drives for storage/back-up. When I went to reformat them Windows couldn’t do it. So I pulled out my new SSD drive and rebooted to bring up my Intel disc management that helped handle the Raid formatting. I chose to break the Raid which in turn deleted all the info on the drives and repartitioned, ect. which they seem to be fine now. So when I put my SSD back in that I had all set up, my computer doesn’t recognize it any more, in BIOS or even when booting off of the Windows start-up disk. So in short I’m frustrated. I’ve tried rebooting, pulling out the drives, trying again, ect. Any thoughts? My SSD should be good, it was working fine when I pulled it out before I did the other stuff. (And no I didn’t install Windows or anyting on the other two drives, just reformatted) Your thoughts?
Tried that too. It's just odd why it won't recognize the SSD but just the other two. I may plug the SSD into one of my laptops to make sure it's still good. However, don't know what I would have done to screw it up.
LOL, I don't know what I did but it's all working now... Literally just came back from work, switched the drives around--like I tried previously--and went into BIOS and there they all were. Booted correctly as well. Wondering if I needed to leave the drive in there for a while to power cycle. Done deal - closed issue.