the best graphics you can get without running into bottlenecking issues is a radeon 7750. yes a dual core is enough for gaming usually but since your cpu is old you might want to upgrade it soon
the best graphics you can get without running into bottlenecking issues is a radeon 7750. yes a dual core is enough for gaming usually but since your cpu is old you might want to upgrade it soon
id recommend a phenom 2 X4 940 cpu. but check your motherboard manufaturer website if this cpu is supported or not also you may need to update the BIOS.
but 7750 wont require a cpu upgrade so dont bother for now
the best graphics you can get without running into bottlenecking issues is a radeon 7750. yes a dual core is enough for gaming usually but since your cpu is old you might want to upgrade it soon
What CPU would you recommend? My current CPU is a AMD Athlond 7850 Black Edition and would i need more power supply?