@simon7 ROFL@ people switching to 4k...Stop, you're killing me. What are you Ryan Smith? He been claiming this crap forever first with 1440p claims clear back to 660ti. It still isn't the norm today. Never mind people claiming 4k...ROFLMAO.
I just bought a 1070ti not long ago for 1200p and my next monitor will be 1600p if I have anything to say about it. 1070ti still can't manage 1080p in EVERYTHING if maxed out. If I can't get 1600p it will be 1440p if forced. I like my games above 60fps (MINS, not avg) and MAXED like the devs designed their games. Turning stuff down is dumb or you're poor
😉 I'm not alone, look what tomshardware just said about BF5 and raytracing. Turn it off for better gaming at least in this game. Yeah, I like my FPS too.
Until they start selling 32in 4k monitors that look great (and with gsync) I'm out. As you age, that puny print sucks and I don't have all day to mess around trying to get things to look right on a 27 or less at 4k. A 27-30in at 1600p or worst case 1440p is just fine for these eyes. I buy QUALITY though, so again 4k is not in my range with the stuff I want in a monitor anyway. The 1600p monitor I'd buy from dell is over a grand and it DOES NOT have freesync or gsync (UP3017). Hopefully Dell wakes up one day and puts freesync or gsync (I'm in for a 7nm card anyway, so I can go either way next year for xmas). Until then, 1200p looks great to me and I've see 4k monitors and was left unimpressed if not 30 or bigger (30 is pushing it for me already at 4k, I'd want bigger). I don't have space on my desk for 2x32 anyway, so again, I'm stuck with 2x30 or 27inchers. I can't work with one screen. I'd jump off a building...LOL.
Monitor makers might be trying to push 4k, AMD/NV might too, review sites, but not the people reading the sites...LOL. Check steam survey. All this WIDE crap is useless to me also. I read the web too much, I need TALLER not wider...LOL. Wider is only better for spreadsheets at work, otherwise...blah.
64% running 1080p. Now add up all the resolutions below that...LOL@4k. Heck throw in my 1200p also and I laugh at 1440p+ group. You wouldn't even be right if you said 1440p was adopted massively...ROFL. 4k shows 1.3% and 1440p show 3.5%...ROFLMAO. It's a waste of time to even benchmark this stuff for every review. 90% of us would rather see you test 2x more games at 1080p. Because that is where most people play (or below...LOL)
😉 Not saying it shouldn't be tested at all, but only at new gpu tech launch or something, not constantly. More games tested=more knowledge for buyers. Testing 4k for 1.3% of the audience is STUPID. They just proved 1080p is barely workable for 2080ti with new RTX tech...LOL. Whatever. I laugh every time I see toms/anandtech claim people don't buy top of the line cards for 1080p...Uh, yeah, they do. They're are FAR more buyers of GTX 1080 and up cards that are running resolutions that are NOT 1.3% 4k or 3.5% 1440p. 72% of the multimonitor setups are not even 4k...ROFL They're 3840x1080p. Again, 4k is a joke still and so is 1440p for that matter. Should you even bother testing 1440p in every vid card review when it's only 3.52% of the readers? I digress...FAKE NEWS.