Here's The New PlayStation 4 Pro, Arriving November 10 For $399

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Depends on what was slowing the game down. If it was GPU bound, then the underclocked RX 480 ought to help significantly. If the game was CPU bound due to the slow and weak processing cores, a 500MHz overclock isn't going to fix that problem and at best you'd get a more stable 30FPS rather than the 30ish you get on the regular PS4.
I guess game reviews will have to mention how it performs on BOTH systems now, potentially doubling the review process? Also having a constant 60 fps vs 30 fps is going to make a huge difference for online multiplayer shooters (something PC users can usually address by adjusting graphics settings etc, but consoles don't usually have those). This fragmentation of the PS4 is really is going cause a lot of potential issues imo.
They should have waited like Microsoft and used Zen Cores in the new console. Those jaguar cores are slower than netbook's cpu from 3 years ago. Overall, it seems sony rushed this one out the door. They should have waited and at least tried to match Scorpio's specs.

There will always be sloppy, unfinished, rushed software, no matter what hardware you throw at it. Pre-existing titles need an update in order to run on the new system, so that's interesting. They may also receive patches to take advantage of the HDR capability. Unfortunately, developers like Fromsoft won't be saved by more brute force. Luckily, Sony's team is there to bring Bloodborne up to snuff, though its issues may run too deep for a simple patch fix. At best, I'd expect some HDR and a stable 30 fps.

I don't like console exclusives and they certainly don't exist to benefit consumers, but I am really impressed by Sony's catalogue this time around (not enough to actually be a buyer, but they do have my praise).

I'd seriously consider the PS Pro if we were looking at Fromsoft's back catalogue, including Demon's Souls, Dark Souls I/II/III, and Bloodborne (a new Armored Core, anyone?) ... all remastered or not, with or without HDR, and Destiny. I feel like I could get into that one for some reason. A Destiny 2 (done in a way the fans expected of the first) and a new Red Dead Redemption (Renegade) could really seal the deal. Beyond those, not sure there's anything I'd be interested in.
$399 and it will be obsolete when PS5 will be introduced together with Project Scorpio in the holiday season 2017.
PS4 Neo sounded much better than Pro. Anyway, so existing PS4 titles won't work without the developer patching them? Interesting... hopefully they get everybody onboard by the time it hits.

Jason: Yeah it does feel like they rushed things a bit but I don't think it is entirely the fault of the hardware division. They were under pressure to get out new hardware ASAP that better supports their VR ambitions. MS is taking a different route so they can take their time. If Scorpio is indeed Zen-based that will be interesting.

Yes, and the PS4 Pro has an underclocked RX 480 as its GPU. Now whether FromSoft will even unlock the framerate to 60FPS is an open question. The better specs will probably only allow the game to hold 30FPS more consistently than it does on the original PS4 hardware. Theoretically, the GPU upgrade would be sufficient to get Bloodborne to 60FPS if the awful tablet CPU doesn't become a bottleneck, which is certainly possible.
Pro? Playstation Pro? Hah. That's just silly. How exactly does this appeal to professionals? Does it have all the dev kit functions? They should have went with Neo.
This PS4 Pro article does not indicate if the PS4 Pro is backwards compatible with all pre-existing PS4 games. It only indicates that all upcoming games (and "some" [not all] that will be patched) will work on the PS4 & PS4 Pro.
I expect the patches for old games is basically just an update to have the game set the console to Legacy Mode or some such (Set all the clock speeds for the hardware components to the original PS4 speeds).
Yes, and the PS4 Pro has an underclocked RX 480 as its GPU. Now whether FromSoft will even unlock the framerate to 60FPS is an open question. The better specs will probably only allow the game to hold 30FPS more consistently than it does on the original PS4 hardware. Theoretically, the GPU upgrade would be sufficient to get Bloodborne to 60FPS if the awful tablet CPU doesn't become a bottleneck, which is certainly possible.

If the PS4 Pro at minimum can have a more constant 30 fps, upgraded visuals and better VR capabilities it's a good buy. Keep what you have, trade in your older PS3/4 or wait for Scorpio. Can't go wrong any way you look a it. We have more options now than we ever did, which is a good thing.
I think the 4k part is market hype that this machine really can't live up to. I'm not a console guy, but I do hope for the those that are that this can bring them things like anti aliasing.
No, all games, past and present, will will on the Pro. It's still the same x86 architecture and APIs. Any patching for older games would be to add support for HDR or to take special advantage up the updated GPU. Could ithave been worded better? Yeah. Here's Sony's FAQ that has some more details.

Sony says this is indeed the case, with the Pro being able to be more consistent in the framerates.

Holiday 2017 is far far away for technology in other words Sony really punched MS again. What counts is what currently you offer and XBOX S compared to PS4 Pro is a bad joke.
One I think people are confusing, the PS4 Pro will be able to play all older games regardless of whether the developers update them or not.

They would only require a patch from the developers if they want to change it from 720p to 1080p or 30fps to 60fps or other graphical enhancements.

You must not ever play console games; all FPS games on consoles are 60FPS for the past many years.

Certainly not all of them. Call of Duty aims for 60FPS, though tends not to achieve it consistently with lots of drops into the 40s on console. Star Wars Battlefront managed to achieve it, and Doom managed to pull it off the most consistently, mainly due to dropping the resolution on the fly. However there are FPS games locked to 30FPS on console, eg. Destiny, Far Cry 4 and Primal, I'm pretty sure Wolfenstein The New Order was locked to 30FPS as well. If you go back to the 7th gen, pretty much every shooter was locked to 30FPS on consoles except for the Call of Duty series.
Surprised the PS4 Pro doesn't come standard with a 2TB (samsung/seagate M9T) laptop drive.. not much more cost than 1TB. Sounds good, more people would buy.

Spreading blatant disinformation does no one any favours. At least say "I think" before writing something that you aren't certain is factual (which it obviously isn't) as turkey3_scratch has pointed out.

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