Hey all, a few minutes of your time would be appreciated.

ryan davren

Sep 7, 2013
Hey all, I'm currently building myself my first PC/gaming rig. I'm trying to save money where I can but still end up with a pretty decent rig. I realise my case is pretty expensive but it's by far the nicest I've seen. As for graphics card I'm stuck between a GTX 760 or 670. I could try get a 680 but I'd need to save money in other parts. I've been looking at AMD and the FX series processors; is the fx6350 decent? It's much cheaper than the i5 and would allow me to buy a better graphics card but I'm looking to play games like day z which I've heard are very processor intensive. Would it be a worthwhile compromise? Or should I stick with the i5? Also, if you just have a more cost effective build I'd appreciate you sharing it. I'm looking to play a lot of pc games, including bf4 and Day Z.

Current Part List
Parts Are Compatible: No issues/incompatibilities found.Estimated Wattage: 186W
Component Selection Base Price Promo Shipping Tax Price Where

Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor £161.99 £161.99 Aria PC
CPU Cooler

Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler £23.98 £23.98 Scan.co.uk

Gigabyte GA-Z77-HD3 ATX LGA1155 Motherboard £74.98 FREE £74.98 Amazon UK

Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory £63.53 FREE £63.53 Amazon UK
Add Additional Memory

Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive £64.17 £64.17 Amazon UK
Add Additional Storage
Video Card Choose A Video Card

Fractal Design Define R4 (Black Pearl) ATX Mid Tower Case £76.97 FREE £76.97 Ebuyer
Power Supply

Corsair CX 600W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V Power Supply £54.68 £1.00 £55.68 Dabs
Optical Drive

Samsung SH-224DB/BEBE DVD/CD Writer £12.56 £12.56 CCL Computers
Add Another Optical Drive
Operating System

Microsoft Windows 8 (OEM) (64-bit) £69.86 £69.86 CCL Computers
The i5 is going to be your best bet for gaming, its more pricey but worth it for more cpu heavy games (BF3, any rts, and games that limit cor usage like WOT). I used to have a FX6100 (ocerclocked to 3.9 GHz) paired with a gigabyte 7970 gpu (beast card but out of your price range) and was getting between 40-50 fps in WOT, after i switched it to an i5 4570k i was getting 100+ frames. I am using the fractal case as well and I love it, well worth the money. clean looking and has plenty of space for future upgrades.
Now I'm not sure if you want to play all games on the highest settings, but I just helped my little brother with his first rig and we got him a EVGA 660ti for under $200USD. He is able to run BF3 on ultra at or slightly below 60...
The i5 is going to be your best bet for gaming, its more pricey but worth it for more cpu heavy games (BF3, any rts, and games that limit cor usage like WOT). I used to have a FX6100 (ocerclocked to 3.9 GHz) paired with a gigabyte 7970 gpu (beast card but out of your price range) and was getting between 40-50 fps in WOT, after i switched it to an i5 4570k i was getting 100+ frames. I am using the fractal case as well and I love it, well worth the money. clean looking and has plenty of space for future upgrades.
Now I'm not sure if you want to play all games on the highest settings, but I just helped my little brother with his first rig and we got him a EVGA 660ti for under $200USD. He is able to run BF3 on ultra at or slightly below 60 fps. its a good card, will defiantly get the job done, and in the future you could get another and sli them or upgrade when you have more cash if you really want to.
We also paired up my lil bro's system with a EVGA 500W psu that works fine and is $30USD after rebate.
A quick side note, that ram has a HUGE heatsink on top (used to have it) that is unnecessary. It could get in the way if you plan to get certain CPU coolers, but it won't be an issue with the 212 evo.

Hope this helps! If you have any more questions feel free to ask
I add the review for BF4 and dayz.

You can see the i5 is better than fx cpu. Also if you want more cost effective build I recommend to get the non-K i5 version like i5 3470. Then you can save some money and you can put the money to the better GPU like the gtx770. By the way get the gtx 670 because 670 is slightly better than the 760. http://www.anandtech.com/bench/product/830?vs=854

Make sure the PSU can power either gtx770 ( require 42A on 12v, 550W) or gtx 670 ( 30A on 12v, 500).
Either get the GTX 770 or the Radeon HD 7970 as the HD 7970 is comparable to the R9 280.

