The Fry's link says "unavailable." I think it's an old listing. Even if it were available I'm not sure I'd advise using bulldozer for a gaming rig regardless of how great a deal it appears to be.
Your CPU selection should be based on the types of games you intend to play. Depending on the type of games you want to play with this rig, there's a very good chance that you'll be better served by an i3-4150.
The best deal going on the AM3+ platform right now is the $115 FX-8310 from Tiger:
With the 4.3ghz turbo speed and 95W TDP envelope, it's by far the best piledriver option for low cost gaming builds.
You can run that on the ~$60 GA-78LMT-USB3 just fine, even get a mild overclock of it on that board with some proper provisions for CPU and VRM cooling. If you want to do some more aggressive overclocking (beyond 4ghz base clocks), you'll have to use a better motherboard....
There are lots of trash AM3+ boards that should be avoided. In fact, the ONLY mATX 760g chipset board worth consideration on this platform is the GA-78LMT-USB3, and the only other board in this price class worth a look is the Biostar TA970, the rest are junk IMO.
Otherwise, stick to high end 970/990X/990FX boards with 6+2phase VRMs or better for this platform, especially if overclocking. I should point out, that even without overclocking, there are many user reports of thermal throttling problems on cheap AM3+ boards, especially cheap ASRock and MSI AM3+ boards. I do not recommend using the 970 Extreme4. If you want an ASrock board for AM3+, there are only 4 boards to look at, the 970 performance, 990FX Killer, Extreme6 and Extreme9, the rest are trash IMO. For Asus, all of the 990 chipset boards, as well as the M5A97 EVO series are good. For Gigabyte, the UD3, UD5, and UD3P are your options. For MSI, the 970 Gaming, GD65V2 and GD80V2 are your options, avoid everything else.
I'm not sure what the budget is, but good quality PSU's start ~$60. If you plan to overclock an 8 core AMD chip with a middle tier GPU, you should probably be looking at no smaller than ~550W PSU's, larger if you want an upgrade path to a high end GPU and/or intend on aggressive overclocking.
(200-300W power dissipation at the chip, not factoring in VRM losses is common on bulldozer/piledriver when overclocking, flagship GPU's can dissipate up to ~300W, and the AM3+ platform is inherently poor in terms of efficiency as it still has it's PCIE controller off-chip on older fabrications. It's not out of the question to need a 750W PSU to handle performance tuned AM3+ systems with a single powerful GPU).
For great quality high value PSU's, check out the RoseWill Capstone series, Seasonic G series, XFX TS series, and Antec TPC series.
The Crucial Ballistix Sport 2x4GB kit is one of the best performing 2x4GB kits you'll find for ~$60. In fact, it will out-perform the more expensive kingston savage kit you have picked out because the ballistix kit is configured with 2 ranks per DIMM, so the kit supports both channel and rank interleave, where the kingston kit is configured single rank per dimm, so only supports channel interleave, no rank interleave.