Hey guys need help

I wouldn't reuse the power supply as OEM ones are infamous for failing and also outputting significantly lower wattage than specified. That CPU seems a little underpowered for games like DayZ too - the i5 4690k is a better solution.
If he can run GTX 750ti with APU he would be able to run i3 and gtx750ti with the same PSU.

i5 4690k with GTX 750TI. Why would you pair best 1150 socket CPU for gaming with entry level GPU. i3 will be just fine, more than fine for Dayz. Dayz is not power hungry game.

DayZ is power hungry. I suggested that CPU as it is quad core (great for badly optimised games like DayZ) and won't have to be upgraded later on (unlike the GPU which is a lot easier and sometimes cheaper to upgrade frequently)

DayZ doesnt need so much power as you are saying. it would not make sense for him to buy i5 4690k, Z97 chipset motherboard, CPU cooler which would cost almost the same as hes whole PC

DayZ runs on ARMA engine so here you can see benchmarks for ARMA 3 http://www.hardwarepal.com/best-cpu-gaming-9-processors-8-games-tested/ and i3 is not much behinde i5 because games like this dont use 4 cores they only need 2 strong cores which i3 has


It can use up to 8 cores as far as I know. Yes, the i3 is just about enough for now but it will definitely be a bottleneck if OP upgrades their GPU again or they want to play brand new AAA titles that aren't as optimised too (battlefield hardline is an OK example). Currently on my portable rig, there are memory leaks and other small problems in the game which push down the FPS in DayZ which is why I think a quad core will definatley be the best option. If money is an issue, an i5 4440 would suffice too.
Maybe it can use 8 cores but as you can se from benchmarks it doesnt really help AMD, because games even if they can use more cores they still put most of work load on 2 cores. And if you look at the link i gave earlier you will see that i3 is not much behinde i5 and the benchmarks are done with a good GPU, GTX 770 4gb so i3 will be fine, yes i5 is worth it for the future but i think i3 will still keep up because of hyperthreading and i dont think OP has alot of money because of his current build