What's up guys! I need a little help. I have this computer here http://www.bestbuy.com/site/asus-desktop-amd-a10-series-8gb-memory-1tb-hard-drive/8447977.p?id=1219334564775&skuId=8447977
It has a GTX 750 ti in it. Now I need to up my cpu as well to play games like day z a little better. I want to know if it would be better to save money and build my own or just go from their. lmk what kind of things I need please
It has a GTX 750 ti in it. Now I need to up my cpu as well to play games like day z a little better. I want to know if it would be better to save money and build my own or just go from their. lmk what kind of things I need please