Hey guys quick upgrade question

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Feb 11, 2013
I've got a gt 520 in my comp and it runs games fine by me could use a little bump in performance trying not to spend more than 50 dollars here , any suggestions?

300 w psu an amd x4 910 processor and m2n78-LA MoBo

only playing wow and lol , currents settings just want a small boost in fps is all !
With a 300w psu, the strongest card you could install would be a 7750, a $90 card.

With your budget, you might find a 6670 for $50 after rebate.

If you want to avoid the hassle of uninstalling NVidia and switching to amd drivers, look for a GT630

Really nothing, maybe something along the line of a 620 or maybe a 630 if you're willing to spend a extra 15 bucks. Really in real use you wont notice the performance increase at all. But Upgrading to maybe just a 620 would be the only thing. A 640 or 630 if you can afford it.

With a 300w psu, the strongest card you could install would be a 7750, a $90 card.

With your budget, you might find a 6670 for $50 after rebate.

If you want to avoid the hassle of uninstalling NVidia and switching to amd drivers, look for a GT630
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