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could you post that link for me ?? Thks..

Just checked it dude, again it is showing 403 -- Unauthorized access..

I even pasted the URL into two web proxies..

1. http://www.vpnbook.com/webproxy

2. http://anonymouse.org/anonwww.html

Is it possible this page has been marked Exclusive access to power users and such.. ??
Copy "Bottlenecking Guide & Chart 2016" (without the quotes).

Then when you get to that 403 - Unauthorized access Web page, paste: Bottlenecking Guide & Chart 2016, into the search window on that Unauthorized Access Web Page and it'll take you to the page.

That doesn't work either. It shows the link but still a 403 when you click on it.

nope, not working.. :-((

Thanks dude, I hope somebody creates a Technically accurate and upto Tomshardware Standards, Bottlenecking chart.. But maybe it is too much to wish for...??

Thanks again!!!
Exactly, too much to wish for. There are too many variables involved, including platform, specific hardware, operating system version, game title, in game settings, overclocking factors and general operating system condition for anything as simple as THIS card with THIS cpu to be accurate in every case.
How famous could it have been and why? For its inaccuracy? I just read through it again and find it woolly at the least.

Anyone is entitled to put up a better version but it will be held from the open Forum until it's been approved by the experts in that field.

Whinging about it will not bring it back.
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