hey there what dirvers do i need to dowload for my new pc


Mar 20, 2017
my parts

i3 8100
asrock h310m-HDV
ballistic sport 8gb
superclock evga gtx 1060 3gb
evga bronze 450w
Kingston 120gb ssd
cit f3

i dowloaded drivers for my graphics card of geforces driver website is that bad? or should of i dowloaded the drivers from evga?
All of them. You can skip Asrock utility downloads.
  • Realtek high definition audio driver ver:8351
    INF driver ver:10.1.17541.8066
    Intel Management Engine driver ver:
    Intel Serial IO driver ver:30.100.1727.1
    Realtek Lan driver ver:10023
    Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver and utility ver:
    Intel VGA driver ver:

Intel VGA driver probably is not necessary (IGPU usually gets disabled, when discrete GPU is being used).

can i leave my computer on while am out and its downloading these things?

just afraid that on of my parts will over heat or something

just built it yesterday i hope its coiling well i haven't monitored it yet but a few times i felt the GPU and it was pretty warm