S SupremeFX Reputable Aug 12, 2014 3 0 4,510 Aug 12, 2014 #1 Everybody, just so you know. I will be making a series of PC builds for low-mid-high ranged gaming PCs. So if your keen to see my stuff, follow my posts up when I have a new build and please let me know what you all think. Cheers.
Everybody, just so you know. I will be making a series of PC builds for low-mid-high ranged gaming PCs. So if your keen to see my stuff, follow my posts up when I have a new build and please let me know what you all think. Cheers.
popatim Titan Moderator Dec 2, 2009 38,983 1,002 136,890 Aug 12, 2014 #2 Keep in mind that builds go under Systems. Thanks 🙂