S sunny04073 Honorable Mar 2, 2015 3 0 10,510 Mar 2, 2015 #1 Hi all my asus eeepc shows 0% battery but, working fine for more than 5 hours. When charged, the battery will shows 100% and reached 0% within 5 minutes. Is there any way to slove this issue, because i dont know, when my battery is about to die.
Hi all my asus eeepc shows 0% battery but, working fine for more than 5 hours. When charged, the battery will shows 100% and reached 0% within 5 minutes. Is there any way to slove this issue, because i dont know, when my battery is about to die.
plaintuts Admirable May 5, 2014 2,856 0 7,460 Mar 2, 2015 #2 Battery is probably defective Upvote 0 Downvote