I got 3 builds (2 similar ones), from 2 stores, after saying I'll be doing some intensive gaming, (GTA V, Assassins Creed, Far Cry, ETC..). These are the builds: http://m.imgur.com/a/QUxdT
Sorry for all the darkened out parts, they aren't important though. So... First picture is 1000 bucks, no Windows. Second one is 875ish, no Windows. Third one is 1100, windows included, as you can see.
So which one of them is the best build for the best price? Especially gaming wise? I hear the 960 is worse than the 280X, but I'm not sure. Windows costs 125$ at the store where its not included.
I'm not planning to overclock, whatever that means.
Anyway, thanks in advance, if I forgot to mention something just tell me.
EDIT: I'll definently be contacting the stores and asking them how much they charge for these, and if they say something ridiculous I'll find sombody else, thank you ALL. 😀
Sorry for all the darkened out parts, they aren't important though. So... First picture is 1000 bucks, no Windows. Second one is 875ish, no Windows. Third one is 1100, windows included, as you can see.
So which one of them is the best build for the best price? Especially gaming wise? I hear the 960 is worse than the 280X, but I'm not sure. Windows costs 125$ at the store where its not included.
I'm not planning to overclock, whatever that means.
Anyway, thanks in advance, if I forgot to mention something just tell me.
EDIT: I'll definently be contacting the stores and asking them how much they charge for these, and if they say something ridiculous I'll find sombody else, thank you ALL. 😀