The CPU and motherboard chipset are a few generations old. You should use current components if this is a new build. If you provide all the information in the *How to Ask for New Build or Upgrade Advice* sticky we can help you come up with a build that will work best for your intended use and budget.
Its not bad. If you can spend some more money i'd go with i5 for future proof but the i3 should be ok for now. For a psu id recommend at least a 500w psu. Corsair makes good psu's. For a case, corsair also makes good cases. I like the 750D a lot but its a pretty expensive case.
The CPU and motherboard chipset are a few generations old. You should use current components if this is a new build. If you provide all the information in the *How to Ask for New Build or Upgrade Advice* sticky we can help you come up with a build that will work best for your intended use and budget.
Icaraeus :
You should get a Haswell CPU instead of Ivy Bridge. For PSU get Antec, Seasonic, XFX or EVGA. Corsair PSUs are expensive.
unfortunatly in my country they offer these cpu and mobo and newer cpu and mobo is a lot more expensive aswell as i am going to upgrade my cpu after a year or 2 to i7 3****k