Hi , i eventually had to buy skylake how can i OC ?


Mar 10, 2016
i was here asking a few questions if i'm better off buying AMD and i did indeed place an order for an AMD 9590 but they called me and told me the msi motherboard was nowhere to be found around , so instead i had to look for a skylake upgrade with the same tight budget ,

This is what i bought

an i5-6600K

GIGABYTE Z170X-Gaming 3 LGA1151 Z170 Mainboard

Gskill Ripjaws V 16GB 8GBx2 2800Mhz CL15 DDR4

and one of these coolers:


i haven't got the components yet as they are to be shipped to my hometown , so when i get them how can i OC the i5 over the gigabyte motherboard ? i have no clue , i only had a cheap gigabyte motherboard like maybe 3 years ago with a non-k 1155 on it , i have a 700 wts psu btw

thanks in advance for your help
Ah... serendipity.

For a gamer, you avoided an expensive mistake.

The i5-6600K with an overclock is arguably the best gaming cpu that money can buy today, bar none.
Any Z170 motherboard is capable of a good overclock.
How well you can do is determined by your luck in getting a good chip.

As of 2/16/16
What percent can get an overclock at a somewhat sane 1.40v
4.9 3% when delidded
4.8 38%
4.7 70%
4.6 83%

I do not see any coolers listed.
14nm skylake runs cool, no exotic cooling is required.
A simple tower type air cooler with a 120 or 140mm fan will do the job.
This assumes you have a decently ventilated case.
Spend those liquid cooling funds on a better graphics card, you will game better.

Overclocking is simplicity...

Doesn't a mainboard like that have some sort of OC wizard now that i have a K variant cpu ? it's my first , thank you

yes i actually placed the order for the aMD , and one of these coolers


but they told me they couldn't find the msi motherboard

so i bought skylake instead , still i wish i could afford the 3 fan cooler so that i could raise the multiplier several folds
but i had to pay for DDR4 🙁

Yeah im sure it has some auto OC capability and probably some overcloked profiles for that cpu. However I wouldn't recommend using them I have always found the best results come from a properly tweaked manual overclock. The guide I linked above should show you how to do that.. That said do whatever your comfortable with its your computer..
Ah... serendipity.

For a gamer, you avoided an expensive mistake.

The i5-6600K with an overclock is arguably the best gaming cpu that money can buy today, bar none.
Any Z170 motherboard is capable of a good overclock.
How well you can do is determined by your luck in getting a good chip.

As of 2/16/16
What percent can get an overclock at a somewhat sane 1.40v
4.9 3% when delidded
4.8 38%
4.7 70%
4.6 83%

I do not see any coolers listed.
14nm skylake runs cool, no exotic cooling is required.
A simple tower type air cooler with a 120 or 140mm fan will do the job.
This assumes you have a decently ventilated case.
Spend those liquid cooling funds on a better graphics card, you will game better.

Overclocking is simplicity itself.
In the bios, you just raise the multiplier in gradual steps from the default of 35 to as high as you feel comfortable.
Stress test with OCCT. Monitor vcore and temperature.
OCCT will stop the test if temperatures reach 85c.
Monitor vcore with cpu-Z. You do not want it to exceed 1.40v.

Later, you can use speedstep and adaptive voltage to reduce the multiplier and vcore when the processor has little to do.

Yeah but then all you would have is a hot power sucking cpu with a massive overclock and a massive water cooler and it still wouldn't perform better than that i5 6600k at stock clocks in most tasks especially gaming. If all your interested in is overcloking I guess the 9590 is an okay choice but if you plan to game and use the computer for many hours a day I think the i5 is the much better choice.

thanks for your informative post mate , the cooler is an iranian made liquid cooler , i posted the 3 fan version of it i intended to buy with AMD and the eventual 1 fan cooler i had to buy with my budget for the skaylake , do you think if next month i buy a 3 fan cooler i can overclock more , or is there a limit to it ? i have never owned a K variant cpu , so thanks for your help in advance