E Ebile Gappas Reputable Nov 14, 2014 8 0 4,510 Nov 14, 2014 #1 I want a program that allows me to minimize any windows program screen into any size I want to. Thank you
I want a program that allows me to minimize any windows program screen into any size I want to. Thank you
Phillip Corcoran Titan Moderator Sep 7, 2013 26,072 899 120,140 Nov 15, 2014 #2 What's wrong with mouse click-and-drag at the corners and sides? Upvote 0 Downvote
E Ebile Gappas Reputable Nov 14, 2014 8 0 4,510 Oct 13, 2016 #3 Sorry to bump. Using a program called Sizer found on Brainapps on google. Upvote 0 Downvote