Hi new gamepad user. I have problems with sensitivity of thumbstic (too low) in some games.


May 12, 2015
I have PC connected to TV so I had brought myself xbox360 wireless controller, in some games like Dust An Elysian Tail it works very well, and small moments of thumbstic move my character but in games like Shovel Knight or Rampage Knight i must swing it very far to make my char move. Is there any software that can increase the signal and make those games think that i swing thumbstic more then i do? Is that programming problem with those games?

I can also change my controller for f710 this week if that will help. I did get xbxo360 to be sure that it will compatible without problems, and if i would want second then it is significantly cheaper since i will not need second adapter for it. But if f710 is better then i will get that one this isn't the problem that i had expected.
More an issue with the games than the controller, I'd suspect. Not every game has full controller support. The ones that do usually allow you to alter the sensitivity in the game menus.

I know that the problem is with the game, but I was hoping that 3rd party solution can fix it, and many games that are designed for consoles/gamepads lack those option.