High CPU and Disk Usage When Gaming [Which Parts Need To Be Upgraded]

Jenna Cat

Feb 21, 2015
When I play my cpu usage and disk usage both spike up to around 99%. I would like to maybe use chrome in the background or anything else in the background to tab out to every so often, or maybe maintain a skype call.

I usually feel the need close everything since the CPU and Disk usages are so high. So I am considering upgrading the parts that control CPU usage or Disk usage. Which parts control these percentages?

Side notes: My gaming experience is consistent and smooth. Not staggery or anything. My main concern is the usage being dangerously high

Specs: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/wcrtK8
What do you mean usage is dangerously high? Hard drive and cpu usage being high is no problem at all assumeing they aren't overheating. High disc usage when playing a game is to be expected, if you also have very long load times then the hard drive may need to be defragged or you or your OS is running too many background process while you game thus causing high disc usage. Your cpu is plenty for modern games, high cpu usage is nothing to worry about unless like I said its overheating, or you have high cpu usage at idle doing nothing, which would be caused by too many background programs or services running.

If you are happy with the way your system is performing no need to upgrade, Your cpu is plenty and your gpu is still good for...

Hard to say which parts need upgrading when you havent said which parts you have.

Sorry, I was thinking of more general on which parts control the percentages. But I updated the specs for a more specific view. :)
What do you mean usage is dangerously high? Hard drive and cpu usage being high is no problem at all assumeing they aren't overheating. High disc usage when playing a game is to be expected, if you also have very long load times then the hard drive may need to be defragged or you or your OS is running too many background process while you game thus causing high disc usage. Your cpu is plenty for modern games, high cpu usage is nothing to worry about unless like I said its overheating, or you have high cpu usage at idle doing nothing, which would be caused by too many background programs or services running.

If you are happy with the way your system is performing no need to upgrade, Your cpu is plenty and your gpu is still good for modern gaming at 1080p 60fps around medium settings or better depending on the game.
Well 99% CPU usage in games generally suggests bottleneck, unless your GPU is also at 99%. Your HDD should be fine, and you may want to run a SMART status test on it. Basically a whole new system is the easy answer, but CPU is responsible for CPU usage obviously. I am surprised if a 4670k bottlenecks a GTX 770 though. It may be that the games you play, at the settings you use, are just too much for your system as a whole, but that shouldnt really be the case. What is your GPU/RAM usage at the time?

With only chrome open (Included because I almost always have it open) plus whatever runs in the background (ie: antivirus)
CPU : Can range from about 10-30 | but usually maintains around the 10-20
Memory: 23%
Disk: 0-1%

But like i said before, games would skyrocket @.@

With the game open
CPU : 98%
Memory: 49%
Disk: 89% when loading | dropped to about 30 when the game finished loading

Oh is 99% okay for the computer? I figured that would mean I'm stressing out the parts and possibly damaging them because of it. It does hit around 60 C which isnt too bad but isnt too good either.
With any other applications open it CPU would hit 100%, and im guessing the number cant go beyond 100 so I thought i would be over working it.

As for the Antivirus itself I have windows defender and Malwarebytes open but they aren't whats using most of my cpu

Uh its window application that i think are using my cpu
Processes such as Desktop Windows Manager | System | System Interrupts | Window Audio Device Graph Isolation | Service Host: Local System (Network Restricted) (10)/(5) | Core Service | Client Run time Process

Thats not how cpus work they dont get overworked and fatigue like a person. That cpu would likely run at 100% usage constantly for a decade or longer at 60c before it quit. Heat kills electronics not usage, 60c for that cpu under load is good.
Well I would say your system is running fine. That cpu usage at idle is a bit high but it wont hurt anything. If your pc perfoms well with what you do with it I would just leave it alone. Personally what I like to do every couple years is reinstall the OS, sometimes it can do wonders especially if you are running on a several year old dirty OS.

Thank you! You have been very helpful! Now i just have to pick which one of your responses will be the answer they were all very helpful!