After igot me new gpu warzone fps has gotten down to 60
my cpu alomst on 100%
and gpu on 5-10%
why did this happens idownlod good driver delted the other drivers with ddr
my build
i7-9700 9th gen
asus prime b365m
g.skill aegis 8gb ddr 4 2400mhz
kingstone a2000 pcie
750w gold croair
Do ineed more ram ? is that the proplem ?
other games run perfect
my cpu alomst on 100%
and gpu on 5-10%
why did this happens idownlod good driver delted the other drivers with ddr
my build
i7-9700 9th gen
asus prime b365m
g.skill aegis 8gb ddr 4 2400mhz
kingstone a2000 pcie
750w gold croair
Do ineed more ram ? is that the proplem ?
other games run perfect