High CPU Temperature


Mar 27, 2014
I have a problem with my water-cooled system, with the CPU temperature being really high (I think). I haven't installed a operating system or anything, I was checking to see if the radiator was working by checking the temp in the BIOS. The temperature maxes out at 91C.

I have:
i5 4690K
Gigabyte H81M-S1 motherboard
Seidon 120V Water cooler

Any help would be appreciated, I don't want to continue until I can get the temperature down.


BIOS temperatures do read slightly higher than the proper temperatures read by something like HW Monitor, however that seems crazy high for a CPU on idle.

Try remounting the cooler with a new thermal paste, i personally use a cheap and decent thermal paste called the Arctic MX - 4.

If this does not work make sure your cooler pump is actually working.

Perhaps something is wrong with the reading so you should install the OS.

Just a side question, but why did you get a H81 board if you have a i5 4690K
I got that particular motherboard because my previous one went out on me and I'm saving up for a better one.

Anyhow, I'll install the OS, and check the temperature there. And I'll reapply the thermal paste, as well.

Another question, how do I check if the pump is working?

Hmm... i'm not exactly sure because i have not experienced any dead pumps or failed AIO's

However do some google searches and check this out
I installed the OS, and HW Monitor and its says the CPU is idling between 39-42 degrees. I also have the stock heat sink, should I give that a try, or is this temperature acceptable?