High CPU temperatures after applying thermal paste


Jan 20, 2014
Hi i applied some thermal paste about the size of a half pea on my i5 4570 but after applying it my CPU idles at around 60c my thermal paste is cooler master ic value v1 a guy applied it on his i7 and got temps down so i don't think it's the paste itself and i use the stock Intel cooler. Please can anyone help me?
most likely the cooler don't seated properly..

try remove the cooler, clean the paste, re-apply and reinstall the cooler..
make sure the cooler installed properly..

those plastic pins need extra care when handling/installing...

most likely the cooler don't seated properly..

try remove the cooler, clean the paste, re-apply and reinstall the cooler..
make sure the cooler installed properly..

those plastic pins need extra care when handling/installing...

Yeah maybe its not seated properly temp before applying was 45-50c. All of the four pins shouldn't wiggle right? Is that how i can check whether its loose or not? Can't really get the mobo out of the case. And i already applied thermal paste like three times but the same issue is there.
yes after u turn it to lock it should steady..

but i would try to check the pin if it deformed before installing,
u can gently make it bigger space in-between those plastic pin, so it will give better grip..
careful since it easily break or deformed..

(hate this plastic type)

Did you clean off the old one completely on both sides? Did you only make a very thin layer on the CPU? Just pressing it on doesnt do it on the boxed cooler, I think, since they dont have ripples on the underside, which spreads it properly.
yes clean both side from any residue of old TP..

about applying new TP..

u can try make very thin layer on cooler (useful for direct heatpipe contact type cooler)
or using line or pea sized TP on the processor .. (better performance, good on smooth / mirror finish contact type cooler)

edit: only one side... thin layer on cooler, or line / pea sized on processor
Always only put it on the CPU. If the cooler has ripples, its enough to put a tiny bit on the CPU (pea sized is too much, take about half to 2/3 of that, as you said), press on the cooler firmly and move it around sideways a bit, then tighten it. If its smooth/shiny, you need to spread the paste manually on the CPU and then just put on the cooler. Use a credit card or rubber/plastic gloves (the ones without powder) and make a very thin layer.

Also, if possible, use alcohol to clean off the old stuff.
actually it backwards AFAIK, if the cooler base not smooth it's better to use thin layer,
since when we spread the TP on cooler,
we also try removing any air pocket and fill the gap/ripple so no air trapped with it...

if cooler base is smooth/mirror finish u can use pea sized or line on the processor,
with good pressure, the TP will spread by it's own ...
I did clean all the thermal paste properly on both the cooler and CPU and applied half sized pea on the middle of the processor. Before putting the cooler on the mobo i did check all the pins they were fine and did locked and i also checked the holes of the motherboard all if them are fine. The problem is that when i press on the pin it does lock but the one on its diagonally opposite side doesn't make the click same goes if that pin locks in properly its diagonally opposite side doesn't lock properly. I REALLY REALLY HATE THESE PUSH PIND
Not just you, so many people have problems with the plastic pin....

Hate, intel "greed" to extend...
don't worry we have lot's of replacement available to sell for you..
(a lot of people buying that here, I'm personally, better off with aftermarket cooler)

Noctua for example has it listed as one of their features that the rippled surface makes it easy to install since the paste will spread itself due to those ripples. I have done many tests about this and they are right, its spreads perfectly.
Smooth surfaces will just get the paste mushed, but not spread properly. Only if you take too much paste it will get spread properly, but then the layer is too thick. So you need to make a proper layer manually.
Lol i picked the right Thermal Compound. I kinda pushed hard on the last pin that wasnt locking in properly and something maede a click don't whether another pin got loose or it locked in but all my cores idle at around 40c is it ok? I had 45-50 c before i applied the paste was expecting around 35-40c. Anyway is my temp fine? My ambient room temp is around 30-35c. If i do stress test it using prime 95 how much long should i keep it on? Also is there a auto shutdown option in the msi UEFI bios? Or is it programmed to shutdown on overheating too much? I use msi b85m g43. Thanks
You can keep it on as long as you like. But if the temps get over 80C (which actually might happen with a stock cooler that is not seated well), I would stop. You should see max temperature after around 10-15 mins, though.
Your idle temp looks good for that high ambient temperature.
Auto throttling is always on. In some mainboards you can turn it off, but if you didnt change that it will work.
looks fine, stress test it later thought to make sure...

Btw, thermal paste have curing time to work optimum, so try let it runs for 1-2 days normal use..
(if it no overheat or so...)... later test it again to see if it's good to go..
I did the stress test using AIDA 64 as a lot of people were saying prime 95 can damage intel haswell or just overheat it a lot. So I did the "Stress FPU" test on AIDA 64 as it is for testing your cooling solution and heats the CPU I did the test for 10 mins and after 5-6 min the temp was around 70c-80c. I also took a scrrenshot. Is that temps okay? I use my pc just for light modelling like blender and playing games like bf3-bf4, gtav. Can i just run my games at max settings without in fear that my cpu will overheat?

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I dont know AIDA normal temps, so no idea.
That prime95 will damage Haswells, is just utter nonsense. If a modern CPU gets damaged from a stresstest, it is either defective or other components are. And of course it will cause a lot of heat. Its a stresstest.

The only thing that is true, is that there are older versions of prime95 that wont test Haswells very well because of AVX2 and testing AVX2 will increase temperatures (which are generally crappy on Haswell due to cheap thermal paste used between Die and heatspreader). But it wont damage them!
That rumor was spread my Asus, because their crappy mainboards couldnt deliver stable power to Haswell-Es in a proper stresstest like prime95 and so they blamed it and claimed that nobody needs an as stable system as prime95 will test.

But as a rule of thumb, games will never cause nearly as much heat as a stresstest.
Yup, prime95 is okay for stress test..

same with "furmark", even it extreme case (unrealistic), and a bit dangerous, lot of heat produced,...

if the card/cpu damaged, their build quality is bad,
They have build in protection that supposed to kick in extreme condition, (down clock, etc...)..
not fammiliar with intel, and the game, so will let other give info..

for the temp is a bit high, but since your ambient temp already high hard to say...
u will know when the cpu overheat..

it will throttle back (downclock) automatically..
so it good to said it's safe until u notice sudden shutdown or drop performance...
if that happen u may need to consider aftermarket cooler