High cpu usage when running bf4


Dec 4, 2015
Hello i just got my new computer a couple days ago and started playing bf4 today it seems no matter what setting i have it on low or ultra it is constantly at 90% usage +

My specs are :
I5 6600k oc to 4.4
gtx 970
8gb 2666 ram
and a 144hz monitor not sure if that has anything to do with it but please any help would be appreciated
While running bf4 go to windows task manager and check which processes are using high cpu other than bf4.
Also check if there is some unknown svc.host process that is using high cpu
While running bf4 go to windows task manager and check which processes are using high cpu other than bf4.
Also check if there is some unknown svc.host process that is using high cpu
it is any amount of plays i have checked with 32 and 64 or whatever the numbers are, and yea i can understand the buying better cpu but i literally get the same usage on ultra that i do with low lol