high cpu usage with all browsers in some sites


Aug 30, 2016
i have high cpu usage in all browsers in some sites like tom's hardware & dsogaming

only when i disable java script cpu usage goes back to normal

i tried to install the latest nvidia driver
install windows 10 fall creators update
Disable adobe flash palyer
deleting all extentions

with no luck
idk what's the problem
pls help
another good reason to use ad blockers. Ad companies must hate these people who figure out ways to exploit their services. How are you going to convince people to not use ad blockers with this sort of stuff happening?

I don't know how it works, since it doesn't happen on every site it must be triggered by particular ads? It would be interesting to find which exactly.

only ways to stop it is No Coin or Ublock or blocking domains or script blockers - http://www.thewindowsclub.com/block-websites-using-cpu-mine-cryptocurrency

I would suggest it as it might reduce CPU usage. Toms shouldn't be creating that much traffic so it might be adware

Tries running malwarebytes on PC and see if you have anything installed you don't want.

there is such a thing as Java script CPU mining, I can guarantee Tom's isn't involved in it but this might ofer some insight: https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2017/09/how-to-stop-pirate-bay-and-other-sites-from-hijacking-your-cpu-to-mine-cryptocoins/


this happens in both my desktop & laptop

but i opened it on third pc and it was normal
If you install Ublock Origin on all browsers on PC and Laptop it should now block these attempts. The filters were added soon after the ability was discovered. Ublock exists for all major windows browsers, including edge.

The article also shows how to block them in adblock.
I wanna say that, somehow you're the one whose infected. Cause I installed nocoin and it doesn't come up on this page.
Interesting that even malwarebytes didn't detect it... uhh did you like already have it installed from long ago? and not update it? though I think it runs an update when you do a scan...

iam running tha latest version 3.2.2



iam using malwarebytes
i tried bitdefender didn't catch anything too
i noticed that the high cpu usage happen after ad sites open like (ONCLICKREV)
then malwarebytes blocks crypto-loot.com domain
another good reason to use ad blockers. Ad companies must hate these people who figure out ways to exploit their services. How are you going to convince people to not use ad blockers with this sort of stuff happening?

I don't know how it works, since it doesn't happen on every site it must be triggered by particular ads? It would be interesting to find which exactly.

only ways to stop it is No Coin or Ublock or blocking domains or script blockers - http://www.thewindowsclub.com/block-websites-using-cpu-mine-cryptocurrency