High CPU Usage


Jun 1, 2017
For some reason counter strike is using like 80% of my CPU and it feels like its making the game slow even though my fps is about 300, dont know if its normal for a i5 4690K (overclocked). I have reinstalled windows and tried screwing around with the cs settings but it seems like i cant get it at under 80% at all. Should the processor be like this? Should i try removing the overclocking? dont really know what to do anymore, All answers are appreciated :)

This is an aspect ratio, not a resolution.

What you are seeing as pretty normal. CSGO is a very old game that is built using a very old game engine, and as such, it is by no means GPU bound, which usually leaves one option, and that is to be CPU bound.

If you don't want to see your CPU usage so high in that game, limit it's frame rate. This imposes the effect of an artificial GPU bottleneck, and what you will see are lower temperatures and lower usage, as neither the CPU nor GPU are spending time to produce the extra, unnecessary frames.

300 FPS is useless, as you can't see or display that many frames, even if you tried. It isn't a matter of throwing money...


Jun 1, 2017
1. Dont really know if it does it in other games since i dont really play anything else but ill try it out
2. GPU : R9 390
SSD 250gb 850evo with windows and everything on it, i dont have any harddrive.
Ram : Corsair vengeance 8gb 2x4 1600mhz


With a game like CSGo, a CPU will perform more of the instructions necessary to run the game due to the low impact on the GPU. CSGo is a light game (graphically speaking) and the GPU does not pump out as much as the processor does in this case. 80% isn't bad, per se, but I would look into the background processes in task manager just in case.


Jun 1, 2017
just did a fresh install of windows a few hours ago and i only installed cs and steam and only the cs process was running at 85-95% is this really whats expected from this CPU? i've seen some youtube videos of people with the same cpu and it wouldnt go over 60-70% for them


Jun 1, 2017
Well, since its csgo that is taking like 90% and nothing else and i've reinstalled everthing i doubt it has anything to do with steam but ill see if i can try to fix it tommorow

This is an aspect ratio, not a resolution.

What you are seeing as pretty normal. CSGO is a very old game that is built using a very old game engine, and as such, it is by no means GPU bound, which usually leaves one option, and that is to be CPU bound.

If you don't want to see your CPU usage so high in that game, limit it's frame rate. This imposes the effect of an artificial GPU bottleneck, and what you will see are lower temperatures and lower usage, as neither the CPU nor GPU are spending time to produce the extra, unnecessary frames.

300 FPS is useless, as you can't see or display that many frames, even if you tried. It isn't a matter of throwing money at the problem either. The solution would require a screen that could display all of the frames, and that screen doesn't exactly exist.

Whether you need 300 FPS in your game to feel like your experience is fluid, is up to you, and totally subjective. Since servers, which ultimately govern the mechanics of the game, aren't going to ever be that responsive for multiplayer games, at least not for the foreseeable future, I suspect 300 FPS is well beyond the point where any higher frame rate benefit takes place.