High-end computer getting low fps


Nov 12, 2015
Alright, so this is an issue that is really making me frustrated. I have a very good computer and I can still only manage to get 20-30 fps in most games. I have tried reinstalling my video drivers. It didn't help.

CPU: AMD FX-9590
Water Cooler: Corsair H105
Video Card: XFX AMD R9 295x2 8gb
Hard Drive: WD BLACK 2tb
Power Supply: FirePower ZX Series 1250W
MotherBoard: Asus Crosshair V Formula Z
Memory: G.SKILL Sniper Series 16GB 2400 ghz (4 x 4gb)
Disk Drive: LG Black 12x Blu-ray drive
Two things jump at me:

CPU: AMD FX-9590

An FX based CPU is going to suffer in some titles compared to Intel. This can't be understated.

Video Card: XFX AMD R9 295x2 8gb

Whenever you go SLI/CF, you are banking on games having proper SLI/CF support. AMD in particular is notorious for being late with CF profiles. Depending on the games in question, you might only be using one GPU, which could be part of the problem.

In addition:

Power Supply: FirePower ZX Series 1250W

I've never heard of FirePower, so it's possible the PSU is just crap and can't keep the system fed at full load, and the GPUs are falling to a lower power state. Anyone got any info on FirePower branded PSUs?

This is the power supply in question: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4H81E87765&cm_re=firepower-_-9SIA4H81E87765-_-Product

I haven't noticed any problems with it so far. In certain games I get upwards of 150 fps and in others I just don't. I remain around 20 in those for no reason.