I'm sure this question has been asked a but load but I'm completly stuck in a rut.
I've been slowly upgrading my machine for about a year now and I'm still dissapointed with the performance. Now, the machine seems to run things well, but others not. I primarily use it for gaming. Even on low demading games such as CSGO my machine can stutter at random points even when running at <60fps (This can be the same on all games even when on my SSD). Some games such as Men of War and Mirrors edge can run like garbage. It can be really frustrating.
I'm really looking forward to the division and love playing arma, but I just cant help think my PC should be performing better than it is. I'd like to be ready to play at max graphics 60+ frames. Any ideas as to why it could be slow, stuttery etc? Not sure wether I need to just upgrade more.
My Specs:
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM Dram Frequency: 934.8 MHz
BIOS: BIOS Date: 10/25/13 17:13:12 Ver: 09.03
Motherboard: Asus Z87-K
Card name: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
Dedicated Memory: 4074 MB
Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.7535 (English)
850Watt Corsair PSU
Drive: C:
Free Space: 39.2 GB
Total Space: 113.7 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: Samsung SSD 840 EVO 120GB
Drive: D:
Free Space: 464.3 GB
Total Space: 469.9 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: WDC WD10EADS-22M2B0
Drive: E:
Free Space: 261.6 GB
Total Space: 469.9 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: WDC WD10EADS-22M2B0
Drive: G:
Free Space: 0.3 GB
Total Space: 0.3 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: WDC WD7500BPVT-24HXZT3
Drive: H:
Free Space: 153.8 GB
Total Space: 715.1 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: WDC WD7500BPVT-24HXZT3
Let me know if you need any more information,
I'm sure this question has been asked a but load but I'm completly stuck in a rut.
I've been slowly upgrading my machine for about a year now and I'm still dissapointed with the performance. Now, the machine seems to run things well, but others not. I primarily use it for gaming. Even on low demading games such as CSGO my machine can stutter at random points even when running at <60fps (This can be the same on all games even when on my SSD). Some games such as Men of War and Mirrors edge can run like garbage. It can be really frustrating.
I'm really looking forward to the division and love playing arma, but I just cant help think my PC should be performing better than it is. I'd like to be ready to play at max graphics 60+ frames. Any ideas as to why it could be slow, stuttery etc? Not sure wether I need to just upgrade more.
My Specs:
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
Memory: 16384MB RAM Dram Frequency: 934.8 MHz
BIOS: BIOS Date: 10/25/13 17:13:12 Ver: 09.03
Motherboard: Asus Z87-K
Card name: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
Dedicated Memory: 4074 MB
Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)
Driver Version: 6.00.0001.7535 (English)
850Watt Corsair PSU
Drive: C:
Free Space: 39.2 GB
Total Space: 113.7 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: Samsung SSD 840 EVO 120GB
Drive: D:
Free Space: 464.3 GB
Total Space: 469.9 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: WDC WD10EADS-22M2B0
Drive: E:
Free Space: 261.6 GB
Total Space: 469.9 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: WDC WD10EADS-22M2B0
Drive: G:
Free Space: 0.3 GB
Total Space: 0.3 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: WDC WD7500BPVT-24HXZT3
Drive: H:
Free Space: 153.8 GB
Total Space: 715.1 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: WDC WD7500BPVT-24HXZT3
Let me know if you need any more information,