Question High-end PC is so laggy and slow it's unusable ?


Nov 21, 2021

So the other day my pc just out of nowhere became super laggy. After every task like opening browser, typing, opening every application takes about 10 seconds to show on my screen. When i switch tabs on opera it takes around 10-15 seconds after my click to process and load. My network has also been lagging recently but I doubt its that because every app I use without internet for example file explorer does the same thing. Sometimes the lag goes away for a minute or two but it always comes back especially at evening or night. I tried everything. Clearing browser and pc cache, deleting unneccesary apps and files I even downloaded a fresh install of windows but the problem remains. Sometimes I get BSOD and the error code says "KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR" but those BSOD's I have been getting for 1 year already and only when starting my pc, so I don't know if it correlates.

My system specs are:
CPU: i5-10600KF
GPU: Nvidia RTX 3070
SSD: Kingston SA2000
OS: Windows 10

Any suggestions from which this would propel from?
Any suggestions from which this would propel from?
Check cpu and gpu temperatures. Those are typical signs of cpu cooler failure and overheating.
What cpu cooler are you using?
Can you show a photo of your system with side panel removed?
(upload to and post link)

BTW - what model PSU are you using?
Can you show a photo of PSU info label?
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How full is your ssd?
Over 90% will be laggy.

What is the make/model of your psu?
Low quality units can cause all sorts of strange issues.

What is the make/model of your motherboard?
Are there bios updates available that might address the issue?

What is your cpu cooler?
Is it functioning properly?
Run Hwmonitor and look at the minimum temperatures. They should be 10-15c. over ambient at idle.

Do you see 100c. in red?
If so, you have throttled and the cpu performance lwered.

Do you have sufficient ram for your workload?
Activate task manager.
While running your workload look at resource monitor/memory tab.
Look at the hard fault per second column.
Anything north of zero indicates insufficient ram for your workload.


Nov 21, 2021
Motherboard model is
SSD is around 50% capacity
Don't know about any BIOS updates havent done one in a year.
PSU is Seasonic 750W gold which is also a year old.
Cooler is NZXT kraken x53 240mm and shoud work perfectly although some cleaning probably would be in need.
Cpu's minimum temps while browsing around 30-35c and maximun 50-55c.

Hardfault tab shows some increase when for example downloading a software or doing something else that needs more workload.
Here's picture when I was dowloadinig gyazo which is quite a small software: View:

And here's pic when doing nothing else but browsing the internet: View:

If u can help me more I would be highly grateful!


If the BSODs were always KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR bugcheks, then your problem is almost sure to be either RAM or the Kingston SSD. Bad RAM will cause all sorts of issues, but from the symptoms you describe I'd suspect the SSD first.

I would suggest you download the Kingston SSD Manager and use that to check the drive health and status. Post the SMART data from there. Check for firmware and/or driver updates with that tool as well.

It's also worth you testing your RAM too. Download Memtest86 (free), use the imageUSB.exe tool extracted from the download to make a bootable USB drive containing Memtest86, and then boot that USB drive.

Memtest86 will start running as soon as it boots, if no errors are found after the four iterations of the 13 different tests that the free version does, then restart Memtest86 and do another four iterations. Even a single bit error is a failure.


Nov 21, 2021
If the BSODs were always KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR bugcheks, then your problem is almost sure to be either RAM or the Kingston SSD. Bad RAM will cause all sorts of issues, but from the symptoms you describe I'd suspect the SSD first.

I would suggest you download the Kingston SSD Manager and use that to check the drive health and status. Post the SMART data from there. Check for firmware and/or driver updates with that tool as well.

It's also worth you testing your RAM too. Download Memtest86 (free), use the imageUSB.exe tool extracted from the download to make a bootable USB drive containing Memtest86, and then boot that USB drive.

Memtest86 will start running as soon as it boots, if no errors are found after the four iterations of the 13 different tests that the free version does, then restart Memtest86 and do another four iterations. Even a single bit error is a failure.
should I buy new SSD and RAM?


Nov 21, 2021
Not a likely solution.

Run memtest. You should see NO errors after a full pass.
If you get no errors, your ram is not at fault.

On the ssd, I can't say, but I think it is unlikely.

Most likely you have some sort of a software error.
What can I do to fix it if lets say its not hardware related problem?