mavikt :
What is holding me on the fence is the competing API's the different systems are using. It means I can't just buy brand X VR head-set and play abitrary VR game Y.
That means first I have to research the market for content I might be interested in, weigh in the price, the surrounding eco-system etc.
As I understand Oculus is moving towards room-scale VR, has better visual fidelity (probably at the cost of FOV) in comparison to VIVE, but then has the Oculus (Facebook?) store.
If I could buy the Oculus and play any Steam (Vive API?) VR game or buy the HTC Vive and play any Oculus (API) VR game without worrying, it would be a no brainer, I would buy... ehm, atleast it would reduce my decision points considerably!
The Rift can run any SteamVR game, so there's nothing to worry about there. Also, with Revive, the Vive can run Oculus games. That is unofficial though.
Valve and Oculus are also both contributing to the open standard VR API, OpenXR. But that's more about making things easier for the devs behind the scenes. For the customer, there's already cross-compatibility.
Brandon_29 :
The Rift's biggest problem is that it was not designed for room-scale and the implementation of it is super buggy and very poor in comparison.
Not this tired old myth. The Rift works absolutely fine in roomscale, and with the 1.12 update, the roomscale tracking bugs have been worked out.