High Fps but laggy?


Apr 25, 2017
I've been having this problem where I get high fps in games but it would still feel laggy since about 7months. 3 weeks ago I replaced all my pc parts with new, better ones except for the hard drive, factory reset, downgraded from windows 10 to 7 and the issue is still there. It's especially bad when I play Overwatch, the game feels delayed and stuttery even when I get 150-200fps. My monitor is overlcocked from 60 to 87hz. I'm wondering if it's the hard drive that's causing the problem since that's the only part I haven't replaced so far, any help is appreciated. Capping my fps/enabling v-sync makes it even worse, I've tried unisntalling gforce experience, ect..
Ping the server your playing on...
Real lag is an internet delay often caused by high ping times. (A common issue back in the days of dial-up modem gaming.) This issue can STILL present itself, especially if your connection to the server is slow.

On your side of things, Bluetooth keyboards and mice can have a massive lag-like affect.
Any chance your keyboard and/or mouse is bluetooth?
I'm talking about fps, not connection. My connection is perfectly stable and I always have 0% packet loss, I'm pretty sure it's my hard drive. I never go over 10ms..