High FPS + Jerky


Nov 20, 2012
My FPS is always a pretty dependable 45-60. The only problem is the gameplay is very jerky all the time. It feels like i'm being showed the same frame multiple times in a row leading to a micro stutter kind of feeling. The quality of the frames are just as jerky in D3 as they are in BF4 even though I could easily run D3 twice at max settings with my setup. I only tested it on a few games and it looks like the same stuttering is present in all of them. I've tried playing with a few settings in the Nvidia Control Panel but I can't see any noticable difference.

Heres my setup:
SP900 256GB SSD
10GB, DDR3-1333, PC3-10600 MB/sec
Windows 8.1

I've checked that and its usually 60-70% useage on BF4 and never spikes at all this is even less for D3. That turbo core stuff usually keeps the clock at 3.6
hmm okay, thought it might've been the CPU since a lot of CPUs have problems with BF4, so your GPU checks out okay too? And if it's happening to all games it could really be any component in your PC… might wanna run a test on the hard drive since that's a suspect if your CPU and GPU are going fine

BF4 is installed on my new SSD while D3 is installed on my old HDD so I think that can be ruled out.

Next thing on the list to check is to try BF4 with each of my 2 RAM sticks separately to see if that fixed the problem but I don't really think that will help.

My motherboard is very basic I don't have any control over the memory clocks from the BIOS and they are just the stock RAM so I doubt I will be able to do much when it comes to overclocking them.

I tried overclocking it up to 4.05 and didn't see any improvement at all

Ive been trying to find an answer to this problem all day and nothing has even helped at all. I bought a nice new video card so I could play games comfortably assuming that would solve this problem and it hasn't even gotten any better. The micro stuttering is just making my head hurt no matter what game I play.

Update for more info:
I can rule out my graphics card. This micro stuttering has occurred in my old GTS 450, the GTX 560 that I returned, and my new GTX 660 DCU2 OC.
I can rule out my hard drive. This problem has occurred on my old 5900 RPM HDD, as well as my brand new SSD.
I can also rule out my drivers and such because this problem has occurred on two complete windows installations (7, then fresh install of 8).

I believe this only leads to a CPU, RAM speed, or motherboard. So what is the most likely?
shouldn't the CPU, since as you said it never spikes... not sure how much you can do with the RAM speed, and I'd hesitate to say the motherboard since getting a new one, or hell just another one to test on, can be a pain.

If you can find a random compatible motherboard lying around you should give it a go

And although we can probably rule out PSU it's not IMPOSSIBLE that it could be not routing power well... But this isn't usually what happens when a PSU is faulty...

Most of the time when I ask for help on the BF4 forums I am told my CPU isn't meant for gaming so that's the only reason I considered that a possibility. It doesn't feel like that's the problem because I have never seen the CPU usage go above like 80% on any of the cores. The motherboard is just a stock motherboard that came with the h8-1214 and I have upgraded from a Radeon HD 7450 all the way up to a Geforce GTX 660 so I was worried that it might not be able to handle that much of an upgrade. I don't believe the PSU is the problem because I have a pretty reliable Corsair CX430. Normally that would be kind of risky with that card but I checked it with a few wattage calculators and it had plenty of wiggle room.
well I mean the Bulldozer FX x1xx processors were a disappointment to many because they failed to meet expectations, but that doesn't mean they're HORRIBLE processors, just underpowered to what they were touted to be.

if it's just a random motherboard, then I might be more inclined to see if a more reputable one will perform better, but you can't exactly pick mobos off of the street, they're expensive things...

but the rest of your parts look fine in raw power, the CX430 is actually pretty good for what it is, and the GTX 660 can handle your games with no problems (though you're right to doubt the motherboard part, whether or not your mobo can fully utilize your parts is another matter)
I can't really get much info on it other than its an M3970AM-HP which is kind of a bad sign to start with. Is there any kind of benchmarking test I can use to see if my motherboard is causing this micro stuttering at all or am I gonna need to test all the parts on a new board to verify the problem?

Its a pretty small motherboard so I can't imagine a replacement would be all that expensive unless i'm forced to buy a new case along with it which I may be willing to do since my parts run a bit on the hot side anyway. I don't really expect much from a motherboard other than reliability to survive big gaming for a few years. The only thing thats stopping me from just going for it is the fact i've reinstalled windows and all of my programs 5 times this month trying to upgrade my hard drive and it would be a pain to do it again now that school started up.

Went looking through motherboards all I can really figure to type into the filters are AM3+ since my FX 6100 is that, and microATX since I looked up and it seems uATX which shows up on my product page is another term for microATX. Don't really need a lot of bells and whistles. This seems to fit my requirements if im correct, and seems to be quite reliable.

oh yeah that motherboard is completely fine, a very solid entry level motherboard, it shouldn't even require a BIOS flash.

And as for benchmarking, even if your motherboard is the problem it's still kinda hard to diagnosis it, since most benchmarks will test your main components like CPU and GPU and if the motherboard has any problems then it'll be as if those parts had problems too.

But that would be the most likely cause at this point right? Since I've had the problem with 3 different graphics cards, the CPU is never getting to full load, i've tested each stick of RAM seperately, and I get the problem on all my games.

I would just want to make sure I dont run into one of those situations where the motherboard ruins my CPU the second I turn it on. I wouldn't have enough to replace the CPU for a while and until then would be out of luck.

Oh I didn't even realise there WAS a return policy. Nothing I have ever bought on Newegg has given me a return without being damaged option. What are the chances this will fry my CPU? I can't explain with words how terrified I am of that idea.

Alright ill grab this motherboard and make a post in like a week when it gets here and I have time to test it out. I'll probably get an aftermarket CPU cooler with it because that thing sucks and it wouldn't even be compatible.

Hasnt even shipped yet and I completely forgot about SATA speed. That motherboard has only 3gb/s SATA ports and my SSD can use a 6GB. Looked up some benchmarks comparing a 6 to a 3 for a drive similar to mine and it seems its not a huge threat to performance so im gonna continue as planned.
Got it and installed it easily. The CPU cooler was incredibly difficult to put on when your too stubborn to read the manual. The stuttering is still present, but im gonna keep the motherboard because this one allows for overvolting and a lot of settings in the BIOS. If you're still watching this thread do you have any idea if changing any of these settings would help?