High FPS, Terrible gameplay.


Dec 26, 2013
Here is my issue, I can not find a real solution yet. I have a rather decent gaming pc, I’ll list the specs below, and I have recently run into some issues. I am monitoring my FPS while playing games and it’s very high, but the gameplay is awful, it is extremely laggy and screen tearing the entire time. I have replaced the hard drive 3 times, upgraded to a solid state, reinstalled windows, updated drivers, uninstalled and reinstalled them, uninstalled and reinstalled all the games I would like to play as well VSync is off, I’m playing on a 1440p 144hz monitor. This problem has not happened before and only started after I applied thermal paste to my CPU. The temps for my PC are running cool, even when playing games according to Corsair link.
Here are my specs, anything helps thank you!:)
Ryzen 5 1600 (Water cooled)
Nvidia 1060 6gb FE
MSI x370 pro carbon gaming MB
G.Skill Trident Z 16gb 3000mhz DDR4 RAM
Seasonic bronze fully modular PSU

If it helps, I recently cleaned my PC with just an airduster.

Thanks in advance, you guys are the best!

Corsair Link, IMHO, is junk. Use Ryzen Master or the newest version of HWmonitor to check temps.

Me thinks that Corsair Link is reporting the wrong temp and your experience thermal throttling.
I will try this when I get home wildcard and post the temps, I’m sorry I don’t know how to choose your answer to reply to on mobile. I did just replace the thermal paste, what would be causing it to get so hot? Especially with water cooling.

It's possible that after you reapplied the thermal paste that you may not of installed the cooler correctly, it happens. CPU & GPU temps should be under 80C while gaming and if they are then we'll have to try something else.
Ok:) I won’t be home for about 6ish hours so I won’t be able to post temps until later 🙁 but I will get back to you! Also if it helps, this happens instantly as I load up a game, not over time. As soon as I get into a game it does this.

Both CSGO and LoL were running at about 33C according to Ryzen Master, not running any games is runs at about 28C

That's not hot....like at all.

Everything should be running fine.