Question High FPS then much lower FPS 10-15 minutes later.

Mar 3, 2019
Hey guys. I've been noticing this issue for a while now, and it's been becoming kind of a nuisance.

So I have an RX 570, and I mostly play Overwatch. I have a 144hz monitor, so I turn down the resolution and all graphical settings to low. This usually brings me around 180-200 FPS average for my first 10 minutes of playing and around 250-270 FPS when nothing is going on my screen (no fighting). After around 10 minutes, it goes down to 180-200 FPS when nothing is going on my screen, and a pretty lackluster 145 FPS on average.

By lackluster I mean that my game constantly drops below 144 FPS, so my game is constantly jittery/the feeling of lower FPS below refresh rate.

TLDR: The main concern here is that, for the first 10 minutes ish, I get much higher FPS, and I never drop below 144 or even near the 160s range. But after 10 minutes, FPS is much lower on average and constantly drops below 144.

My GPU temps are around the 65 ish range and I do not overclock.

Any help would really be appreciated.

-I'm guessing it's because I only have a standard 460W supply and/or I need more thermal paste
Actually, just stopped the overclocking and it still happens exactly the same. The overclocking was basically nothing but I guess it's important to bring up.
And what CPU/MB are you using, and what are CPU core temps as reported in HWmonitor?

Be aware, that when online gaming with those sorts of high frame rates. there is no certainty that, even if your system is capable of sustained 200 fps for example, that your connection bandwidth all the way to a particular gaming server will sustain those sorts of framerates consistently.... IF that's the case, you might have better luck in online games with fewer players, and with servers w/ better bandwidth throughput....or both)

If your system suffers those issues (frame rate drop-offs) playing offline in single player mode, then it's more significant....

Lets first check temps....